
láo dònɡ jiān chá
  • labor supervision
  1. 劳动监察和劳动争议仲裁都产生于自由资本主义过渡到垄断资本主义的时代。

    The legal system of labor supervision and labor arbitration bears in the historical period between liberal capitalism and monopoly capitalism .

  2. 改革开放以来,我国的劳动监察制度是在摸着石头过河的前提下不断进步的,体制建设很不健全,行使劳动监察职能的行政机关也比较分散。

    Since reform and opening up , labor supervision system has improved by feeling the rock across the river , but system construction is distemperedness as well as administrative agency exercising labor supervision power is relatively dispersed yet .

  3. 他说除了要发挥劳动监察部门的作用来保证人们遵守劳动法,他的部门也把这个作为批准所有申请ndp园艺生产者项目的一个条件。

    He said that apart from the role of the labour inspectorate to ensure compliance with labour law , his department has made it a condition of grant aid for all applicants under the NDP horticulture producers programme .

  4. 劳动监察执法针对性不强、效率不高等。

    And the labor-related supervision and law enforcement lacks pertinence and efficiency .

  5. 论我国劳动监察和劳动仲裁的制度设计关系

    On the Design of Relationship between Labor Inspection and Labor Arbitration in China

  6. 劳动监察不足,劳动争议处理不清晰等问题。

    Work supervision insufficiency , labor dispute processing not clear and so on questions .

  7. 第四部分主要是介绍国外劳动监察制度概述及其对我国的启示。

    Part IV introduced the foreign labor inspection system and its implications for China .

  8. 法律、法规规定的其他劳动监察事项。

    Other labor matters requiring monitoring inspections , as specified in laws and administrative statutes .

  9. 行政机关对劳动者合法权益的保护主要是通过劳动监察来实现的。

    Administrative agency protects labor 's lawful right and benefit mainly by means of labor supervision .

  10. 劳动监察作为一项劳动法律制度,负有保障劳动法体系全面实施的功能。

    As a part of labor law system , labor supervise has the function of guaranteeing the implement of the system .

  11. 转型中的当代中国劳动监察体制:基于治理视角的一项整体性研究建立劳动保障监察制度

    Labor Inspection Regime in Transition in Contemporary China : An Integrated Research from the Perspective of Governance Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System

  12. 一方面要加强劳动监察机构建设,另一方面要加强劳动执法力度。

    On one hand we should strengthen labor supervisory institution construction , on the other hand , we should strengthen labor law enforcement efforts .

  13. 劳动监察执法部门应该加强对带薪休假的监督,对不执行的企业实行重罚。

    To monitor the law enforcement agencies should work to strengthen the supervision of paid leave for non-implementation of the enterprises subject to heavy penalties .

  14. 第三部分主要是写我国现有劳动监察制度存在的问题,包括立法不健全、执法不规范、队伍建设不够等方面的内容。

    The third part is to write the problems of our existing system of labor inspection , including inadequate legislation , law enforcement non-standard , inadequate team-building aspects .

  15. 在行政方面要加大劳动监察部门的执法力度,设立平等就业机会委员会,明晰行政权的角色定位。

    On the administration , it should Increase the enforcement law from labor censorial branch , establish equal employment opportunity commission , and clear the role of executive power .

  16. 据当地一位名叫赵晓东的律师表示,强迫员工吃活虫侵犯了他们的权利,员工们有正当理由向劳动监察部门报告这一侵权行为。

    Zhao Xiaodong , a local lawyer , noted that forcing employees to eat live worms infringes upon the employees ' rights , giving them just cause to report the violation to labor inspection departments .

  17. 劳动监察制度是劳动法理论研究和劳动执法实践中的重要内容,它是现代国家根据法律授权依法对劳动关系进行法律调整与干预的主要手段。

    Labor inspection system is an very important theory of labor law study and labor law practice , which is the means of modern states in accordance with the law to adjustment and interfere the labor relations .

  18. 3年煤气系统及锅炉压力容器系统故障分析表明,劳动监察、行业管理的监督检查。在企业安全生产中具有举足轻重的作用。

    Three years of analysis about system fault of gas and boiler pressure vessel indicates that the inspection of working supervision and industry management has been taking a very important role in the safety product in the films .

  19. 第二是加强劳动监察执法,重点解决签订劳动合同问题,侵害职工合法权益问题,尤其是要加强安全生产监管。

    The second is to strengthen the labor inspection and law enforcement to focus on resolving the signing of labor contracts , infringe on the legal rights of workers , and especially to strengthen the supervision of production safety .

  20. 第二部分主要写劳动监察制度的现实背景和理论基础分析,着重从劳动关系国家化向社会化转变过程中劳动监察的功能变化,同时还谈到劳动监察制度的相关基础理论。

    The second part is mainly about the background and theoretical basis of labor inspection system . In this part we also focused on labor relations of the state to change the course of social labor inspection function , and also talked about the theory about the labor inspection system .

  21. 论劳动保护监察的基本程序

    A discussion on the basic procedures for supervision over labour protection

  22. 我国的劳动安全监察制度与压力容器事故预防

    Labour safety supervisor system of China and protection of pressure vessel accident

  23. 劳动行政监察,劳动争仪仲裁。

    Labor Administrative Supervision , the Ministry of Labour for device arbitration .

  24. 加强与完善劳动保障监察制度的重要法律工具&写在《劳动保障监察条例》颁布之际

    Legal Instruments on Strenthening and Improving Labor Assurance Supervision System

  25. 建立劳动保障监察制度

    Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System

  26. 自1993年以来,中国逐步建立了劳动保障监察制度。

    In 1993 , China embarked on the establishment of a supervision system for labor security .

  27. 目前市劳动保障监察支队已介入调查。

    Currently the municipality labors guarantee 's overseeing to pay a party insertion have been already investigated .

  28. 国务院出台《劳动保障监察条例》分析

    The analysis of " the regulations on labor protection and supervision " issued by the State Council

  29. 试析《劳动保障监察条例》在我国社会保险制度运行中的作用

    Analysis on Functions of the Regulation of Labor Insurance and Supervision in Social Insurance System of China

  30. 第二部分主要写目前我国劳动保障监察制度存在的问题、造成的危害及其原因进行了分析。

    The second part mainly analyses the problems of labor security supervision system , harms and formation reasons .