
  • 网络Labor responsibility;Working Responsibility
  1. 在家庭婚姻生活中,一方由于承担了较多的家务劳动责任,而放弃了发展事业和获得经济收入的机会,在离婚时有权要求对其进行家务劳动补偿。

    Within family and nuptial life , as undertaking a lot of housework responsibility , one party often sacrifices its opportunities to develop career and acquire financial earnings , it is thereby entitled to claim for the housework compensation when getting divorced .

  2. 劳动违约责任:归责原则、构成要件及立法完善

    Responsibilities of the Labos Break Contract : Liability Principle , Constitute Items and Law-make Perfect

  3. 所有这些名词意味着从劳动、责任或劳累中解脱、解放出来。

    All of these nouns mean freedom or relief from labor , responsibility , or strain .

  4. 超负荷劳动、责任性工作、职责不清等主要职业紧张因素可引起高血压。

    Some main factors which induce Occupational stress may cause hypertension such as excess load job , responsible job , ambiguous responsibility and so on .

  5. 作为总统,我承诺我将竭尽全力让美国成为辛勤劳动和责任心受到奖励的地方成为每个人都享有公平的机会并承担公平的义务的地方。

    As President , I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share .

  6. 本章对劳动合同违约责任的归责原则进行了深刻的阐述。

    This part elaborates the principles of liability fixation profoundly .

  7. 浅论劳动合同违约责任

    On the Liability for Breaking Labour Contract

  8. (七)违反劳动合同的责任。

    Responsibilities for violating the labour contract .

  9. 许多州主动承担起规范儿童劳动市场的责任,然而其他州却没有。

    While many states took it upon themselves to regulate child labor , many did not .

  10. 本章还分析了劳动合同违约责任分别与违反合同订立前的先合同义务的缔约过失责任、违反合同关系消灭后的后合同义务责任的区别。

    In addition , chapter one also compares the liability of breach labor contract to the contracting fault liability of pre-contract obligation , and post-contract liability .

  11. 本文从一起普通的加班费争议案件为突破口,引出对劳动争议证明责任问题的思考。

    In this paper , by using an ordinary overtime case as a breakthrough you will be leaded to the question of burden of proof in labor disputes .

  12. 劳动争议举证责任分配上应继续明确对劳动者倾斜保护的原则,赋予法官(仲裁员)自由裁量的权力。

    Labor disputes on the allocation of the burden of proof should remain clear on the principle of protection of workers inclined to give the judge ( arbitrator ) the power of discretion .

  13. 其次,笔者指出劳动合同违约责任制度立法不足在现实生活中产生的问题为劳动争议纠纷不断攀升和现行的法律规定难以适应新时期司法机关解决人民内部矛盾的需求。

    The legislative blank of the liability of breach of labor contract has created a continuing rise of labor disputes and exiting provisions cannot meet the new requirements for the judicial authority to solve internal contradictions among people .

  14. 本文从倾斜立法,保护弱者的观念出发,运用历史考察、比较研究和规范分析等多种方法,对劳动合同违约责任的基本理论问题作了较全面系统的研究。

    On the basis of the principle of unbalanced legislation to protect the weak , this article presents a systematic research on the liability for the breach of labor contracts , which may apply a historical analysis , standard analysis as well as comparative research .

  15. 劳动争议诉讼举证责任分配

    Allocation of Onus Prob and I in Labour Disputes Lawsuits

  16. 义务劳动是一种责任,由不得他们选择。

    Unpaid work is a duty , not a choice .

  17. 这样的法律包括劳动法、社会责任法和当地的地方法规。

    Such laws include labour law , social responsibility law and local content requirement .

  18. 这项研究援引亚利桑那州的劳动权利法、责任法和土地征用权改革作为有利条件。

    The study cites Arizona 's right-to-work law , liability laws and eminent domain reform .

  19. 再次,平衡服务期劳动合同双方的责任分配,这是文章主要的创新点。

    Thirdly , it should be balanced for the responsibility of the both sides of the labor contract . This is the main innovation of this article .

  20. 而我国对劳动争议的举证责任分配问题规定得较为笼统,不利于具体的实务操作。

    In China , labor disputes on the allocation of the burden of proof in a more general provisions , the practice is not conducive to the specific operation .

  21. 此外,为构建完善的劳动争议诉讼举证责任,应在个案中大胆适用推定制度,实现一般正义与个别正义的统一。

    In addition , the labor dispute for constructing perfect proof responsibility , the author also think shall apply in specific cases in bold presumption system and achieving general justice and individual justice unity .

  22. 同样,在继“苯”案之后的一个案子里。最高法院裁定,劳动部长有法定责任在技术和经济力量均可行的最大限度内保障工人免受危险有毒物质的伤害;

    Similarly , in a follow-up case to benzene , the court held that the Secretary has a statutory duty to protect workers from dangerous toxic substances to the maximum extent that is technologically and economically feasible ;

  23. 其实早在1994年,我国就在劳动法中明确规定了强迫劳动的各项法律责任,此后又在1997年修订的刑法中规定了强迫劳动罪。

    In fact we have stipulated legal liabilities to forced labor since 1994 in Labor Law , after that serious forced labor is deemed to be a criminal .

  24. 但劳动合同属于兼具有公私法性质的社会法调整,劳动缔约过失责任制度与民法中的缔约过失责任制度相比在适用主体、归责原则、适用范围和赔偿范围等方面有其特殊性。

    Compared to the liability for fault to a contract in civil law , the liability for fault to a labor contract has many unique features such as subject of application , principle of imputing the responsibility , scope of application and scope of compensation .

  25. 劳动争议的特殊性及专业性,以及我国的特殊国情为劳动争议的证明责任的研究增加了新的研究背景,因而具有较高的研究和实践价值。

    The particularity of the labor dispute and professionalism , as well as the premise of the current global financial crisis , the increase in the burden of proof for the labor dispute , the new background , and thus has a high research and practical value .

  26. 劳动合同形式、劳动合同期限、劳动合同保证金、集体劳动合同和违反劳动合同的法律责任等方面的问题比较集中。

    The existing problems focus in the legal responsibility in the forms , the validity , the bail , the collective contract and the violation of the labor contract .