
  1. 秦朝时,有个读书人,好古成癖。

    In the Qin Dynasty , there was a scholar addicted1 to antiques .

  2. 这位读书人,尽管衣食无着,可是他的好古之心,依然如故,始终舍不得丢掉这三件“古董”。

    Though he had neither food nor clothes , his fondness for antiques remained unchanged . All along he could not bear to part with these three " antiques " .

  3. 乾隆皇帝弘历是一位博雅好古,兴趣广泛,有着多方面才艺的天子,写有不少陶瓷题材的诗歌。

    Emperor Qianlong , a versatile king , wrote many poems on porcelain .

  4. 是啊,我的好古费拉克先生。

    Yes , my good Monsieur Courfeyrac .

  5. 博学好古研究与西方史学

    Antiquarian Research and Western Historiography

  6. 某些好古的西方人宣传一种理论说,中国妇女喜欢她们在社会中所处的低微地位。

    Certain atavistic Westerners have promulgated the theory that Chinese women liked their modest position in society .

  7. 王天德、邱志杰和郑国谷则转向书法,审视它何以成为好古者追求之外的某种事物。

    Wang Tiande , Qiu Zhijie and Zheng Guogu have turned to calligraphy to examine how it might become something other than an antiquarian pursuit .

  8. 但在中医古文献组织整理或检索系统建立时,发现中医古文献的类型繁多,如何组织文献以及如何利用已经整理好的古文献是建立文献检索系统的关键之一。

    When organizing ancient documents and establishing the retrieval system , find the type of ancient documents of Chinese medicine various , how to organize documents and how to utilize ancient documents that has been already put in order to be the key to setting up document retrieval system .

  9. 借助于空中拍摄的照片已发现好几处古罗马军营的遗址?

    Several ancient Roman army camps have been traced with the help of air photographs .

  10. 用古丝绸强度测定仪对古丝绸进行了测试,结果显示古丝绸强度测定仪能很好地测定古丝绸的抗拉强度。

    The testing showed this tensile strength meter could measure ultimate strength of ancient silk well .

  11. 无论是在48小时内准备好350人的古罗马长袍派对,还是扎克伯格与普莉希拉?陈(PriscillaChan)在2012年举行的秘密婚礼,七年多来,一切都由她来安排。

    For more than seven years , she planned everything from a toga party for 350 people with 48 hours ' notice to Mr. Zuckerberg 's secret wedding to Priscilla Chan in 2012 .

  12. 因为坐落在山顶,奥维多很好的保存了古建筑和其它历史遗迹。

    Because of its mountaintop setting , Orvieto has managed to preserve its architectural and historical integrity .

  13. 这是一个好机会,法拉古舰长决定利用这次机会。

    This was our chance , and Commander Farragut was determined to take full advantage of it .

  14. 这也很好地解释了古埃及人完成所有他们的杰作所必须使用的先进技术。

    It would be a great explanation for every advanced methods that the Egyptians must have used to accomplish all they did .