
hǎo xì
  • good play;great fun
好戏 [hǎo xì]
  • (1) [good play]∶演得好的戏剧;吸引人的戏剧

  • (2) [great fun]∶讽喻会引出许多矛盾

  • 这回可有好戏看了

好戏[hǎo xì]
  1. 所以或许会有一场好戏。

    So maybe it was a good play .

  2. 你要是半夜前不回家,我就让你有好戏看。

    If you 're not in by midnight , there 'll be trouble .

  3. 两种利益发生冲突时将会上演一场好戏。

    What happens when the two interests collide will make a fascinating spectacle .

  4. 斯卡伯勒队想要像3年前击败切尔西队那样再度上演以弱胜强的好戏。

    Scarborough are aiming to pull off a repeat of their giant-killing act against Chelsea three years ago .

  5. 我现在不想看比赛。我要等到今晚晚些时候好戏上演的时候再看。

    I don 't want to watch the game now . I 'll just wait till the highlights come on later tonight .

  6. 好戏还在后头。

    The really interesting part of the show is yet to come .

  7. 好戏不厌百回看。

    A good tale is none the worse for being twice told . ;

  8. 这回可有好戏看了!

    We 're going to see some fun !

  9. 国家无论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该做和平的维护者和促进者,不能这边搭台、那边拆台,而应该相互补台、好戏连台。

    Countries , whether big or small , strong or weak , rich or poor , should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace .

  10. 他们的当代艺术品收藏一直非常杰出,如今他们正在和德斯特基金会(DesteFoundation)合作,真正的好戏看来还在后头。

    Their contemporary collection has always been excellent but now that they are collaborating with the Deste Foundation , things will get really interesting .

  11. 如果乔治•C•斯科特依然在世,由他来饰演通用公司CEO丹•阿克森,或许会为我们带来一场精彩的好戏。

    If only George C.Scott was still with us to take on the role of GM CEO Dan Akerson .

  12. CNN特派员阮贝蒂:对席德·斯里兰这样的学生而言,这代表好戏就要上场了。

    BETTY NGUYEN , CNN CORRESPONDENT : For students like Sid Sriram , it 's game on .

  13. 我跟EdieBritt的好戏还在后头。

    I have not even begun ripping into Edie Britt yet .

  14. 当沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(wolfgangschuble)提出,作为获得进一步帮助的条件,希腊应该推迟大选时,我知道这场好戏很快就要升级了。

    When Wolfgang Schuble proposed that Greece should postpone its elections as a condition for further help , I knew that the game would soon be up .

  15. 这场好戏将会如何上演,请看他的10大高见。

    Here are his 10 ideas about how it gets there .

  16. 哦,对不起,我搅了你们的好戏了吗?

    Oh , I 'm sorry , did I ruinyourpunch line ?

  17. 你可真是在这里安排了一场好戏啊。

    You 've got quite a set showing up here .

  18. 来吧,两位,你们要错过好戏了。

    Come on , you two , you 'll miss the surprise .

  19. 那才是好戏上演,是不是?

    That 's gotta be the play here , right ?

  20. 丹佛害虫控制协会将上演一出好戏。

    Denver pest control association puts on quite a do .

  21. 好戏不厌两回看。好故事百听不厌。

    A good tale is none the worse for being told twice .

  22. 现在,北爱尔兰好戏开场,让我们拭目以待。

    Now , let 's see what Northern Ireland makes of it .

  23. 先生,我们今天有好戏看了!

    Oh , doctor ! What a game we have here today !

  24. 不过你好像错过了好戏啊艾莉森

    But I guess you were late to the party , Alison .

  25. 好了,是时候了,好戏上场了。

    Alright , it 's go time . It 's go time .

  26. 需要修改和重写的一场潜在的好戏。

    Tentially good scene that needs the blue pencil and a rewrite .

  27. 好了,各位先生女士,好戏上场了。

    All right , ladies and gentlemen , it 's show time .

  28. 我们好戏开始,好戏结束!

    And we 'll put on a show to end all shows !

  29. 我很期待到那里看好戏。

    I 'm looking so much forward to gloating through the room .

  30. 最敬业的女人要来上演好戏了。

    The hardest working woman in the road show business .