
  • 网络The Hollywood Reporter;hollywood report
  1. 《好莱坞报道》的博伊德·凡·霍也基称赞道:“这个故事让人频频感到尴尬,看起来也有点心痛,但是对青少年的描绘手法是如此诚恳真挚,这在中年导演拍出的青少年电影中是很少见的。”

    Boyd van Hoeij of The Hollywood Reporter praises " a story that 's frequently awkward and a little painful to watch but also sincere and truthful18 about adolescence in a way seldom seen in films about teenagers made by middle-aged19 directors " .

  2. 媒体《好莱坞报道》表示两人和派拉蒙影业公司、好莱坞制作公司SkydanceMedia未能达成合作协议。

    The Hollywood Reporter states that both actors have walked away after failing to come to an agreement with Paramount Pictures and Skydance Media .

  3. 据《好莱坞报道》报道,“猎鹰”安东尼·麦凯已和漫威签约,将会主演《美国队长4》。

    The Falcon 's Captain America 4 , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  4. 今年4月,《好莱坞报道》爆料,斯佩尔曼正在为漫威工作室创作《美国队长4》。此前,美国队长这个角色一直由克里斯·埃文斯饰演的史蒂夫·罗杰斯担任,他主演了三部单人电影、复仇者系列和其他漫威电影。

    In April , THR broke the news that Spellman is developing the fourth installment other Marvel films .

  5. 《好莱坞报道》称,受众面广的家庭主题,以及感而不伤的小情绪,让电影成为成功的春节档作品。中国的春节档电影偏爱家庭主题,带点小小的伤感。

    China 's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts .

  6. 《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter)形容,该公司是在向电影产业勇敢地打招呼。

    The Hollywood Reporter called it an audacious hello to the movie industry .

  7. 《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter)形容,该公司是在“向电影产业勇敢地打招呼”。

    The Hollywood Reporter called it " an audacious hello to the movie industry . "

  8. 《好莱坞报道》还证实了EpicRights公司将掌管布兰妮的电商业务,包括可能会有的同亚马逊的合作。

    It has been confirmed , too , that the firm will take charge of her e-commerce commitments including a possible link up with Amazon , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  9. 据最先报道此消息的《好莱坞报道者》报道,Rifkin将会扮演一个让人印象深刻的犹太法师Isaac的角色。

    As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter , Rifkin will play Isaac , an imposing rabbi .

  10. 据《好莱坞报道》称,Timberlake所参加的这一集节目是继2012年1月CharlesBarkley之后,周六夜现场的收视率新高。

    According to the Hollywood Reporter , Timberlake 's episode was the highest-rated SNL since Charles Barkley hosted in January 2012 .

  11. 据《好莱坞报道者》报道,HBO已经发布了《权力的游戏》第四季单集平均收视人数为1800万。

    HBO released weekly ratings information for Season 4 , and according to The Hollywood Reporter Game of Thrones has been averaging 18 million viewers a week .

  12. CW电视台总裁马克?佩德维兹本周对《好莱坞报道》称,《始祖家族》不受《吸血鬼日记》的影响,所以新一季之后还可以继续。

    The CW president Mark Pedowitz told THR this week that the fate of The Originals is not tied to TVD , so the show could potentially continue beyond the upcoming season .

  13. 根据《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter),电商平台Lyst表示伊万卡?特朗普品牌的销售额在2月初的一天增幅高达219%,并且在过去六个月中一直保持迅猛增长势头。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , ecommerce aggregator Lyst reported that sales of Ivanka Trump increased 219 per cent in one day in early February , and have surged in the past six months .

  14. 在票房收入分成的前提下,中国目前允许引进34部外国影片。《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter)透露,中国可能会在2017年或2018年将这一配额增至44部。

    The quota , which allows 34 films to be imported on a revenue-sharing basis , is expected to be raised in 2017 or 2018 , possibly to 44 films , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  15. 此前,权力的游戏每年更新一季,今年播放时间延迟了三个月,但据《好莱坞报道》(The?HollywoodReporter)称,权力的游戏势头依旧迅猛。

    Despite being off the air for three months longer than the usual one-year gap between seasons , it seems that the show has lost none of its momentum , according to The ? Hollywood Reporter .

  16. 据《好莱坞报道》,美国的主题公园将由AvatronSmartPark开发,而澳门附近的主题公园将由丰德丽控股(eSun)及其子公司丽丰控股(LaiFung)开发。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , the US site will be developed by Avatron Smart Park . The Chinese site near Macao will be developed by Lai Fung and parent eSun .

  17. 就在本周,《好莱坞报道》透露囧瑟夫可能将考虑出演加雷斯·爱德华斯(GarethEdwards)导演的新版《哥斯拉》,据报道该片将于3月开拍。

    Earlier this week , The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Gordon-Levitt had also been considered to lead Gareth Edwards ' " Godzilla " reboot , which begins filming in March .

  18. NBC的新剧《好莱坞报道》独家报道,NBC新剧《生活向前冲》正筹划《老友记》演员的再聚首,柯特妮·考克斯将在由马修·派瑞主演的该部喜剧中客串一集。

    NBC 's freshman comedy Go On is staging its first onscreen Friends reunion , with Courteney Cox checking in for an episode of the Matthew Perry comedy , The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively .

  19. 《好莱坞报道》的奖项分析师ScottFeinberg与芳登的助理SusanPfeiffer取得联系,确认了芳登周日下午在加利福尼亚的家中自然死亡的消息。

    The Hollywood Reporter awards analyst Scott Feinberg spoke with Fontaine 's assistant , Susan Pfeiffer , who confirmed the actress ' death of natural causes Sunday at her home in Carmel , Calif.

  20. 据《好莱坞报道》称,英国ITV独立电视台将制作英国版的《好歌曲》,而这也是中国选秀节目模式首次“走出国门”。

    According to the Hollywood Reporter , the UK 's ITV has created a British version of Sing My Song , marking the first time a Chinese format talent show has been exported abroad .

  21. 《爱情故事》一直是经典的浪漫爱情电影,至少是直到尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯(NicholasSparks)开始写作,因此,去年,《好莱坞报道者》(HollywoodReporter)把剧中这两位主演又拉在一起做了一次采访。

    Then , as part of a feature last year in The Hollywood Reporter , the stars of " Love Story " - the quintessential movie romance , at least until Nicholas Sparks picked up his laptop - were brought together for an interview .

  22. 据《好莱坞报道》消息,Morrissey扮演的总督角色虽然只签了一季的合约,但是他现在已经确定将会在第四季回归了。

    The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that although Morrissey initially signed a single season contract for the Dead role , he has been set to return for Season 4 .

  23. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  24. 这是否意味着,《好莱坞报道》将把更多资源放在中国新闻的采集上面呢?

    Does that mean The Reporter will devote more resources to newsgathering in China ?

  25. 她在《好莱坞报道》中问道。

    She asks in the Hollywood Reporter .

  26. 这件事第一次出现是在1月18日那期《好莱坞报道》杂志。

    This story first appeared in the Jan. 18 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine .

  27. 沃尔伯格如是告诉《好莱坞报道》。

    Wahlberg told the Hollywood Reporter .

  28. 一位内部人士向《好莱坞报道》证实,她的节目现在将暂停制作,直到明年1月。

    An insider confirmed to the Hollywood Reporter that production on her show will now be paused until January .

  29. 影片中多兰使用了1:1的比例构图,《好莱坞报道者》评价这是个前无古人的创举。

    Dolan uses a square 1:1 format which no one has tried before , according to the Hollywood Reporter .

  30. 据好莱坞报道称:大卫莫瑞赛(总督)会作为常规演员回归行尸走肉第四季。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , David Morrissey ( The Governor ) will return to The Walking Dead as a series regular .