
hǎo xiàng
  • be like;like;it seems that;seem;seem to be;as if as though
好像 [hǎo xiàng]
  • (1) [seem] ∶有些像;仿佛 [像]

  • 好像认识他

  • (2) [like]∶似乎

  • 她好像是生病那样地动作

好像[hǎo xiàng]
  1. 对不起,我好像忘了在哪里接下去了。

    Excuse me , I seem to have lost my place .

  2. 历史学家好像把这些事件发生的年代顺序搞混了。

    Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events .

  3. 我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法!

    My computer seems to have a mind of its own !

  4. 远处的人影好像越来越近。

    The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer .

  5. 他死了以后,好像一切都无所谓了。

    After his death , nothing seemed to matter any more .

  6. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

    She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms .

  7. 在我看来这幅画好像是上下颠倒了。

    The painting looks like it 's upside down to me .

  8. 我好像看见阴暗处站着一个人。

    I thought I saw a figure standing in the shadows .

  9. 他威胁要解雇我,好像我多在乎似的。

    He threatened to fire me , as if I cared !

  10. 有一段时间,他们好像大有获胜的希望。

    At one stage it looked as though they would win .

  11. 听起来他们好像过得很愉快。

    They had a wonderful time by the sound of it .

  12. 成群的摄影者不停地拍照,她好像浑然不觉。

    She seemed oblivious to the crowds of photographers snapping away .

  13. “好像没希望了。”她黯然地说。

    ' There seems no hope , ' she said bleakly .

  14. 夏洛特好像生活在现实之外。

    Charlotte seemed to be living at one remove from reality .

  15. 乍看起来,这个系统好像条理不清。

    To the casual observer , the system appears confusing .

  16. 现在看来好像民主党人占优势。

    The Democrats now appear to be in the lead .

  17. 房子看起来好像就要倒塌似的。

    The house looked as if it was about to fall down .

  18. 鲍勃有什么事儿吧?他好像情绪很低落。

    Is something the matter with Bob ? He seems very down .

  19. 这张磁盘上的文件好像有错误。

    The text on the disk seems to be corrupt .

  20. 好像她的朋友全都成双结对了。

    It seemed that all her friends were pairing off .

  21. 他感到好像跑了一个马拉松似的。

    It felt as though he had run a marathon .

  22. 我好像无法摆脱这种无力的感觉。

    I can 't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia .

  23. 我把消息告诉她时,她好像并不感到惊讶。

    She didn 't sound surprised when I told her the news .

  24. 她漫游世界,好像钱不是问题。

    She travels around the world as if money is no object .

  25. 这支队伍好像还没有配合默契。

    The team don 't seem to have clicked yet .

  26. 那好像是在阿尔卑斯山,但又不尽然。

    It 's like being in the Alps , but not quite .

  27. 为什么警察好像越来越年轻了?

    Why do police officers seem to be getting younger ?

  28. 现在好像是自由评论教师的开放期。

    It seems to be open season on teachers now .

  29. 看他好像吃了一惊,她感到开心。

    She had the pleasure of seeing him look surprised .

  30. 要学生买一本词典,好像也没什么不合情理。

    It seems only reasonable to ask students to buy a dictionary .