
wǎn rú
  • just like;as though;be obedient;as if
宛如 [wǎn rú]
  • (1) [as if;just like ;as though] 好像;仿佛

  • 绚烂的晚霞,宛如一幅锦绣

  • (2) [be obedient]∶委曲顺从的样子

宛如[wǎn rú]
  1. 宛如时光倒转。

    This is just like old times .

  2. 她红扑扑的脸蛋宛如黎明的红霞。

    Her complexion has a flush , just like that of the dawn .

  3. 那是一次奇妙的旅行,宛如梦境。

    The trip was magical ; the stuff of which dreams are made .

  4. 大脑表层呈灰红色,上面的微细血管纵横交错,宛如一个个斜格子。

    The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels .

  5. 她宛如善良和高贵的化身。

    She seemed to personify goodness and nobility

  6. 这封鼓舞人心的信,宛如一服兴奋剂。

    The encouraging letter was like a shot in the arm .

  7. 欢腾的人群宛如大海的波涛。

    The jubilant throng is like the waves of the sea .

  8. 这造成了一种宛如真实的梦幻。

    It created an illusion reality .

  9. 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞,宛如滑翔。

    So graceful was the ballerina that she just seemed to glide .

  10. 棋盘宛如世界:一个个棋子仿佛世间的种种现象;

    The chess-board is the world : the pieces are the phenomena of the universe ;

  11. 那部讲述友谊的电影在这个充斥着低成本浪漫爱情喜剧的时代宛如一股清风,令人耳目一新。

    That film about friendship is a breath of fresh air in an era1 of low-cost romantic comedies .

  12. 对摩根来说,打理鲜花很容易,但打理公司的财务却宛如噩梦。

    The skill of arranging flowers comes easily to Morgan , but arranging his company 's finances is proving a nightmare .

  13. 狄克逊的Beat灯具系列设计成各种不同高度的悬挂式吊灯束,宛如美仑美奂的风景画。

    Dixon 's Beat collection is designed to be hung in a cluster of varying heights to resemble a landscape .

  14. 新创企业Lytro的发明对全世界学艺不精的摄影师来说就宛如上帝的恩赐一般。

    It could be a godsend for awful photographers around the world .

  15. 尽管客人们震惊地发现,她的家里连Ajax清洁用品也没有(她的公公看到她用白醋清洗厕所简直吓坏了,赶快跑到杂货店去买来清洁剂),但她看上去宛如脱胎换骨。

    Although houseguests are shocked to find not so much as a canister of Ajax in her house her horrified father-in-law recently raced out to the drugstore to buy toilet cleaner , instead of her white vinegar solution she feels transformed .

  16. 在出版人凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆(KatharineGraham)的全力支持下,布拉德利带领邮报跻身美国一流报刊的行列。该报不惧争议,令华府官员宛如芒刺在背。

    With full backing from his publisher , Katharine Graham , Mr. Bradlee led The Post into the first rank of American newspapers , courting controversy and giving it standing as a thorn in the side of Washington officials .

  17. 不过,随后一天公布的一份强劲的就业报告宛如一针强心剂,使市场出现反弹。

    The market rebounded following a strong jobs report this morning .

  18. 我的大一生活的开始宛如在昨天。

    It seems like yesterday that I started my freshman year .

  19. 秦皇岛宛如一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在渤海岸边。

    Qinhuangdao is like a bright pearl on the Bohai Seashore .

  20. 战争宛如爱情,总能找到出路。

    War is like love , it always finds a way .

  21. 我对你的爱,宛如天空一样高洁。

    My love for you is as high as the sky .

  22. 兰格说:该镇宛如一个时间胶囊。

    The whole town is a time capsule , Langer says .

  23. 它的蹄很大,在沙中行走时,宛如雪鞋。

    It has large hoofs that act like snowshoes in sand .

  24. 它有着宛如一根雪茄一般的、优雅的流线外形。

    It is an elegant , streamlined cigar of a building .

  25. 那一块四毛七宛如警世钟点醒我

    That $ 1.47 tip was a wake up call reminding me

  26. 因为宛如被干燥中空的谷地隔离开来的巨大蛋盒般

    like giant upturned egg carton seperated by dry empty valleys .

  27. 他的声音听起来宛如是得了喉咙痛的样子。

    He sounds as though he 's got a sore throat .

  28. 你的爱抚宛如你执手画笔勾勒我肌肤色彩

    Your touch like brush strokes you hold color in my skin

  29. 这部电影的结尾宛如一颗完美雕琢过的宝石。

    The ending of this film is like a perfectly chiseled jewel .

  30. 即使办了保险,合同又宛如天书。

    Although did insurance , contract just like a book from heaven .