
  1. 本文是关于传统地方戏剧&宛梆的个案调查。

    This paper is a case survey of Wanbang , a traditional local drama .

  2. 民俗视野中的宛梆艺术

    Wan - Bang Opera Viewed from Folklore

  3. 乡土语境中的艺术呈现&祝寿仪式中的宛梆音乐表演

    Art Demonstration in Local Context & The Performance of Wan bang Music in Birthday Ceremony

  4. 与目前很多传统地方戏剧凋敝甚至灭绝的状况相比,宛梆的市场表现好得令人吃惊。

    Although many traditional local dramas have withered or even become extinct , Wanbang is surprisingly popular .

  5. 介绍宛梆戏班传统的行业神信仰、祭祀、禁忌、驱邪仪式、管理体制和传承与谱系,肯定它们的历史功用,启示人们在戏曲陷入萧条的当今时代反思宛梆传统习俗。

    Introducing its believes , tabu , ceremony and induction in its management and pedigree to affirm their historical function and to illuminate people to ponder about it at present .

  6. 内乡宛梆剧团是目前国内惟一仅存的宛梆剧种专业剧团,被文化部冠以“天下第一团”的称号。

    Neixiang Wan Bang Opera Troupe is the sole existing professional Wan Bang opera troupe left in China at present , which was honored " Number One Opera Troupe " by the Ministry of Culture .

  7. 面对市场经济的新形势,稀有剧种面临生存危机,内乡宛梆剧团进行了有益的探索,可为河南稀有剧种的生存与发展提供借鉴。

    Under the influence of market economy , some types of opera in Henan Province are in living crisis , the opera troupe from Neixiang county has made researches into it and provided useful experiences for the existence and development of the Opera in living crisis in Henan Province .