
Liǔ zi xì
  • Liuzi Drama;local opera popular in western Shandong, northern Jiangsu, and eastern Henan
柳子戏 [liǔ zǐ xì]
  • [Shandong opera] 以柳子为主要戏牌的鲁剧。分布于鲁西、豫东和苏北

  1. 从新文化、新文学的视角切入柳子戏,审视柳子戏所具有的现代性的萌芽与对其他文学样式进行启迪的可能。是极为有意义的也是非常迫切的工作。

    From the visual angle of new culture and modern literature , it is both an extremely meaningful an very urgent work to examine closely the modernity of Liuzi drama and the possibility that other literature types inspired by liuzi .