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hǎo yǒu
  • good friend;crony
  1. 最后,特蕾莎一位好友的丈夫晚上结束他餐馆的营业之后开始来安慰她。

    Eventually , the husband of a good friend started coming to retrieve her after he closed his restaurant for the night .

  2. 对一个国家来说,她的七位儿女、七位好友的离去是难以弥补的损失。

    To a country , her seven children , seven good friend 's departing is the loss which makes up with difficulty .

  3. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了。

    I learnt of her arrival from a close friend .

  4. 我们曾经患难与共,现在依然是好友。

    We 'd been to hell and back together and we were still good friends .

  5. 在别人不需要的时候提供建议是葬送好友关系的最快方式。

    Giving advice when it 's not called for is the quickest way to end a good friendship

  6. 阿斯穆斯和许多作家成为了好友,而且还作为一名文学评论家出现在报纸上。

    Asmus became friendly with a number of writers and appeared in print as a literary critic .

  7. 他们是知心好友。

    They were bosom friends

  8. 个体户的资金通常来自个人积蓄或者来自亲朋好友。

    Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual 's own savings or from family and friends .

  9. 人质的亲朋好友们经受着巨大的痛苦。

    The loved ones of the hostages were going through anguish .

  10. 得知好友在大厅等着,她飞快地跑下楼梯。

    Knowing that her best friend was waiting in the hall , she ran down the stairs as fast as she could .

  11. 他们本是好友,近来忽然臭了。

    The two good friends have recently cooled off .

  12. 这位已故政治家的生前好友为他举行了纪念仪式。

    Friends gathered at a memorial for the late statesman .

  13. 离多年的好友又重逢了,他们非常高兴。

    The friends were glad to meet after so long a separation .

  14. 爷爷去世了,爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。

    When grandfather died , father sent the obituary to friends and family .

  15. 想不到我和儿时好友竟在异国他乡相逢。

    I never thought I would meet my childhood friend in a foreign land .

  16. 想想看,一个3岁的孩子沉浸在寻找能和不能沉入浴缸的东西的乐趣中,一个5岁的孩子沉浸在与好友拼凑一串串无意义的文字的刺激中,或者一个11岁的孩子完全沉浸在一部引人入胜的连环画中。

    Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub , a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends , or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip .

  17. 这是一个法定假日,人们喜欢和亲朋好友一起度过这一天。

    It is a public holiday and many people love to spend this day with their families and friends .

  18. Inboxrot指对于某人在社交网站上对你发出的加好友请求,既不接受、也不拒绝的态度。

    Inbox rot means to neither accept , nor decline a friend request from someone on social networking sites .

  19. Facebook和MySpace这类社交网站助长了“工闲”一族的兴起,“工闲”一族在社交网站上的“好友”也许就是他们的生意伙伴或同事。

    Weisure has been fueled by social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace , where “ friends ” may actually be business partners or work colleagues .

  20. 这个说法被人们忽视了好几百年,直到2004年社交网站Facebook迅猛发展,friending(加好友)一词才被广泛使用。

    The coinage was largely overlooked for centuries . With the advent1 of the social network Facebook in 2004 , friending became widely adopted .

  21. 跟邻桌同事商量事情不用张口,而用MSN之类的聊天工具;逢年过节亲朋好友问候,不再用昂贵的长途电话,改成了群发网上下载的祝福短信;

    Talking to a colleague sitting next to you through instant messaging instead of vocal communication , mass texting friends and relatives with downloaded festival greetings instead of calling them in person ,

  22. Friending的意思是“做某人的朋友”或者“将某人在社交网站上加为好友”。

    Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include ( someone ) in a list of designated friends on a person 's social networking site .

  23. 她说,与好友一起创办公司真的很棒。

    Starting a company with good friends , she says , has been a real plus .

  24. 我情愿做那个年老的,欲壑难填的博士,好友如云,情操高尚

    I preferred the elderly and discontented doctor , surrounded by friends and cherishing honest hopes .

  25. 因为我应邀参加从前的好友Evy的婚礼,必须作一番演讲

    when I was asked to give a speech at my precious friend Evy 's wedding .

  26. 例句我得从亲朋好友那里筹集一些开书店所需要的本金。

    I need some seed money from my family and friends to open my book shop .

  27. “朋友圈营销”是借助社交网站上的“好友”来散播产品的视频广告。

    Friendvertising is the use of social media website ' friends ' to disseminate1 video adverts2 for products .

  28. 没有什么比和好友围坐在桌旁,一同享用奶酪火锅更温馨惬意的事情了。

    Nothing is more comforting than sitting round the table with good friends , sharing a cheese fondue .

  29. 一些新同事甚至新领导可能想要加你为好友。

    Some of your new co-workers or even your new boss might want to be your Facebook friend .

  30. 一些有事业心的伴侣结婚时不仅邀请亲朋好友,还邀请赞助商。

    Some enterprising couples have invited more than close friends and relatives to their weddings -- they 've also welcomed corporate1 sponsors .