
  1. 陶弘景《答谢中书书》创作背景考

    On Writing Background of Letter to Xie Zhongshu by Tao Hongjing

  2. 稽查中书科事务大臣我受到税务稽查员长时间的查问

    I am subject to a lengthy Inquisition by the tax Inspector

  3. 中世纪英国中书法庭的起源和演进

    The Origin and Evolution of the Britain Royal Chancery in middle Ages

  4. 文档图像中书写线的检测与去除

    Detection and removal of base lines from document images

  5. 关于中国书籍装帧中书卷气的研究

    The Study of Book QI in Chinese Book Design

  6. 爱德华三世统治时期中书法庭研究

    Study in the Chancery under Edward ⅲ

  7. 中书法庭最初是主管英国王室文书事务的班子,掌管大御玺;

    At first , the royal chancery was in charge of Britain imperial documents and the Royal Seal ;

  8. 中书舍人的职权在唐宋时期总的看来是呈上升趋势。

    During Tang and Song dynasties , the authority of Secretary generally represents a kind of increasing trend .

  9. 由唐至宋,中书舍人的职权呈上升趋势,而翰林学士呈下降趋势。

    From Tang to Song dynasty , Secretary present an upward trend and Hanlin Bachelor present a declining trend in the terms of reference .

  10. 第五章是对以上所有章节的归纳以及对书体字在食品包装设计中书写的规律提出一些建议与总结。

    The fifth chapter is summarized for all chapters and chirography in the design of food packaging of writing rules put forward some Suggestions and summary .

  11. 从中国古代帝国体制演进过程看,中书门下体制的建立及三省机构和职权的变化,体现了中古时期国家权力运作方式的重大转变。

    The establishment of the Secretariat-Chancellery and resultant structural changes embodied the major transformation in the operation of state power in the middle ancient times in China .

  12. 曾任舍人的为官之家,占中书舍人的很大比例,唐代高于宋代。

    The official family , account for a large proportion among the persons who ever are appointed Secretary , and the proportion in Tang Dynasty is higher than in Song Dynasty .

  13. 陈龙正是晚明时期地方社会一位十分重要的人物,曾师于高攀龙,授中书舍人,任南京国子监丞。

    Chen Longzheng was an important person in local society of later Ming Dynasty , he was once a student of Gao Panlong and was an official of Nanjing Imperial College .

  14. 在中书舍人的选用上,本人素质与能力是考虑的最主要因素。

    The quality and ability of person is the most important factor to the Secretary choosing . The person , be appointed Secretary , always moves , and the major is promoted .

  15. 斯坦贝克在这一主导思想的统辖下,在他具体的小说文本中书写了伊甸园与乌托邦的想象,而这些,正使他的作品获得了既植根于时代又超越时代的永久价值。

    Through this thought Steinbeck written Eden and the Utopia in his novels , this were also make his works gain the permanent value which were taken root to the time and exceeded time .

  16. 在中央,参与涉外事务的中书省和鸿胪寺设有译语人员;在地方,缘边州府由于执行对外交涉,行使对外权利,因而也有专门的翻译人员。

    In the local government , because the office of rim state is carried out and carried on negotiations to the ( outside ), exercise the foreign right , therefore there are special translators .

  17. 元朝在中央形成了行政(中书省)、军事(枢密院)、监察(御史台)三权并立的局面。

    Yuan Dynasty formed the situation where three parts had different rights and were not responsible for one another , which were the executive ( Zhongshu Province ), military ( Privy Council ), monitoring ( Supervisory Ministry ) .

  18. 朱元璋很专制:取消中书省,废除宰相制度,让下一级官员直接对其负责,禁止宦官参政,委派文官管理军务。

    His rule was despotic : he eliminated the posts of prime minister and central chancellor and had the next level of administration report directly to him . He prohibited eunuchs from participating in government and appointed civilian officials to control military affairs .

  19. 这不但解决了诸史书中关于魏收26岁兼任中书侍郎的年代之含糊问题,同时也确证了缪钺先生对魏收生于507年的推测。

    Not only does this result solve , the ambiguous problem ( the time of beginning Zhong Shu Shi Lang ) , but also it gives a proof to the guess that Wei Shou was born in 507 AD by Mr Miu Yue .

  20. 这也说明,在科举制度下,入仕的公平性大大提高,中书舍人的来源也日趋广泛,对于政治稳定与文化教育的发展,都有一定的促进作用。

    This also indicates that in the Imperial Examination system , the justice of entering political stratum is greatly improved , the source of Secretary have become increasingly widespread , and it play a certain role in promoting political stability and the development of culture .

  21. 从“寻”、“俄”二字所连接的前后时间跨度进行考索,认为魏收于普泰二年(532年)兼中书侍郎的可能性很大。

    This thesis firstly tests the divided periods by words of " soon " and " presently " and thinks it is possible for Wei Shou to be a part time officer as Zhong Shu Shi Lang in the second year of PU TAI ( 532 AD ) .

  22. 通过对唐宋公文书类型、中书舍人所草制命的类型、唐宋主要文书制度及制书格式等问题的系统研究,对于中书舍人职掌外制的具体情况及其发展变化深入探讨。

    I try to explore in depth to the actual situation , the development and changes of Secretary responsibilities by the systemic studies of document types , the types Secretary drafted , the main document system of the Tang and Song dynasties and the format of the system .

  23. 唐代中书、门下、尚书三省机关中分别设置专门保管官吏甲历档案的机构,鲜明反映了三省在管理官吏及其档案方面的不同职能和有机联系。

    The book , disciple , minister interpose the organization taking care of the government officials A calendar file specially respectively in Tang Dynasty in three provinces organs , have reflected different in the respect of managing government officials and their file functions of three provinces and organic distinct connection .