
  • 网络B&Q;B&G
  1. 百安居不是第一家在中国遭遇困难的DIY式家装连锁店。

    B & Q is not the only DIY chain to encounter difficulties in China .

  2. 目前,英国公司在南中国区的许多投资项目中都起着主导作用,包括零售业,如百安居,Jardines;

    UK companies from every sector are in the lead of South China 's investment including retailers like B & Q and Jardines ;

  3. 百安居DIY连锁店的调查显示,虽然离圣诞节只剩15天的购物时间,25%的购物者今年都在自己手工制作卡片、礼物和房间装饰。

    With just 15 shopping days to go until Christmas , B & Q , the DIY chain , found that a quarter of all shoppers are making their own cards , presents or decorations this year .

  4. 家得宝在华最大的竞争者,将是总部设在英国的百安居(B&Q),百安居是欧洲最大的家居零售商翠丰集团(Kingfisher)旗下品牌,在中国有50多家店铺,市场占有率近20%。

    Home Depot 's biggest competitor in China will be UK-based B & Q , part of Kingfisher , Europe 's largest DIY retailer , which has more than 50 stores and nearly 20 per cent of the market .

  5. 百安居中国变脸记我国新闻周刊的市场定位分析

    On Market Positioning of the News Weekly in China

  6. 百安居中国变脸记我国奶牛磷需要量

    Phosphorus requirements of dairy cow in China

  7. 百安居中国变脸记中国杉木研究

    The research of Chinese fir in China

  8. 武汉百安居装饰建材超市空调与通风、防排烟工程设计

    HVAC design of refurbishing materials supermarket

  9. 她曾培训的客户包括:哈佛商业评论,百安居,葛兰素史克等。

    The clients she trained before including : Harvard Business Review , B & Q , GSK , and so on .

  10. 就在去年,百安居还在考虑引入工匠服务,为来自东欧的贸易顾客印制波兰文的宣传册,以满足更多“替我动手”类顾客的需要。

    Only last year B & Q was looking to cater more for do-it-for-me customers by introducing a handyman service and printing leaflets in Polish for trade customers from Eastern Europe .

  11. 接下来,采用实证分析的方法,对百安居(B&Q)中国公司进行了个案探讨,体现了当前我国零售行业IT外部筹源应用的最高阶段。

    B & Q ( China ) is studied as a case in point by means of empirical analysis , which reflects the most advanced level of IT outsourcing application by retailing enterprises in domestic market .