
  1. 企业投资的融资约束程度取决于企业与资金供给者之间的信息不对称程度。

    The information asymmetry between the firms and cash providers determines the degree of financial constraints of the firms .

  2. 而从产权的角度来看,金融中介机制的运行过程实质上就是金融中介、资金供给者、资金需求者等行为主体之间进行的一系列金融交易行为的集合。

    In fact , the mechanism is a combination of financial transactions among financial intermediations , suppliers of funds and demanders of funds .

  3. 投资者是整个投资活动资金的供给者,投资者利益保护是私募股权投资基金退出需解决的核心问题。

    To protect the interests of investors are the core problem to be resolved in the exit of Private Equity Fund .

  4. 资金的供给者需要一种机制不仅能够监督,在必要的时候甚至能干预资金的使用,因为金融交易的信息不对称总是面临着代理成本问题。

    Capital providers need a mechanism to monitor , if necessary , even intervene on the utilization of funds , because the asymmetric information of financial transactions always leads to delegate cost .

  5. 金融市场的建立是为实现资本的有效配置,即把资金从供给者手中有效的转移到需求者手中,需求者利用其创造出更多的实体经济。

    Financial markets are set up to achieve the allocation of capital effectively , where capital can transfer from the providers to the demanders . And then the demanders create more capital .

  6. 从本质上讲,金融是一种跨期交换行为,即资金的供给者通过暂时出让资金的使用权来换取一段时间内价值的增值,而资金的需求者则承诺实现这种增值。

    Essentially , finance is a cross-period exchange behavior which fund providers can obtain the value increment over a period of time by temporarily assigning the use right of fund while fund demanders promise to achieve this .

  7. 另一方面,作为中小企业外部资金主要供给者的金融机构,应进一步加大改革力度,转变观念,建立起新型银企关系,并不断地进行金融服务创新。

    On the other hand , the financial institution , the main supporter of outer funds , should make further reforms in intensity , change ideas , set up new pattern relationship between bank and enterprise and provide new financial services constantly .

  8. 在整个上市上柜的流程中,承销商主要扮演发行公司和投资人的中介角色,其业务在资本市场中资金需求者与资金供给者间。

    In the whole process , the Underwriters mainly act as intermediaries ( i.e.the issuing firms and investors ) between those who have money to invest , and those who need capital .

  9. 投资银行是美国的称谓,它的基本功能是在资金的需求者和资金的供给者之间充当中介。

    Investment Bank is the description of the United States , which acts as intermediary between the demands and providers of capital funds , this is its basic function .