
  • 网络bonded port;Bonded Port Area;Free Trade Port Area
  1. 随着加入WTO我国经济已全面融入世界,我国保税港区的发展被寄予厚望。

    Along with joining the WTO and China economy integrating into the world comprehensively , the development of bonded port area has been placed great expectations .

  2. 从而最终确定了青岛保税港区的规划与设计。

    Thus finally established Qingdao bonded port planning and design .

  3. 然后,通过MATLAB软件仿真实验得到了保税港区元胞空间内核心企业和中小型企业的分布图以及保税港区内所有企业、处于生长和衰退状态的企业随时间的数量变化曲线。

    Matlab 7.1 software is applied to carry out simulation . Finally , cellular distribution map of core-enterprises and middle-small enterprises and variations curves of number of total enterprises , enterprises in growth state , entering state and declining state with time are obtained .

  4. 福建海沧保税港区向自由贸易园区转型研究

    Boosting Transform from the Bonded Zone to the Free Trade Zone

  5. 广西钦州保税港区二号路主卡口结构设计

    On Structure Design of Tollgate at Road 2nd in Qinzhou Bonded Area

  6. 大连保税港区与腹地之间保税物流通关模式探讨

    The Customs Mode of Bonded Logistics between Dalian Bonded Harbor and Hinterland

  7. 首先,对我国现行保税港区的法律制度作了较为详尽的介绍。

    First the current legal system is detailed introduced .

  8. 中国保税港区的布局特征与发展战略

    Research on development strategy and distribution characteristics of Chinese free trade port zones

  9. 基于离散事件仿真的保税港区海关卡口区域建模研究

    A Molding Study of Bonded Port Customs Door Area Based on Discrete Event Simulation

  10. 保税港区物流网络系统的建模及服务性能

    Modeling and Analysis on Service Performance of Logistics Network System in Free-trade Port Areas

  11. 企业基于保税港区的物流运作模式。

    Logistics operation modes of enterprise businesses based on the Free Trade Port Areas .

  12. 产业关联性理论观照下的钦州保税港区金融业

    On the Financial Measures of Qinzhou Free Trade Port Area for Industrial Relevance Theory

  13. 最后提出了大连保税港区的近期和长期发展策略。

    Finally this paper puts forward short-term and long-term development strategy for Dalian bonded port .

  14. 保税港区对我国区域经济的发展起到了很好的带动作用。

    The bonded port plays exemplary role in the local economic development in our country .

  15. 而上海要成为国际航运中心就必须要有一个深水港,在洋山港的基础上启动保税港区是上海向建设自由港迈出的第一步。

    In order to become an international shipping center , Shanghai needs a deep water harbor .

  16. 天津国际邮轮母港于位于天津港东疆保税港区南端。

    Tianjin International Cruise Home Port lies at the south end of Dongjiang Bonded Port Area .

  17. 天津东疆保税港区建设自由贸易港区管理模式探究

    Research into the Management Model of Constructing Free Trade Zone in Tianjin East Bonded Port Area

  18. 自由贸易港区是天津东疆保税港区的发展目标。

    The free port is the development goal of the bonded harbor in the east of Tianjin .

  19. 因此,应充分认识到我国保税港区立法的必要性,进一步完善我国现有的保税港区法律制度。

    Therefore , we should acquaint ourselves with its legislation necessity and further improve the existing legal system .

  20. 加快推进钦州保税港区建设在区域经济发展中具有重要作用:有利于化解当前经济危机;

    To speed up the construction of Qinzhou Bonded Port plays an important part in the regional economic development .

  21. 同意在海南洋浦经济开发区内设立海南洋浦保税港区,规划面积9.2063平方公里。

    I.The establishment of Hainan Yangpu Bonded Port Area with a planned area of9.2063 square kilometers is hereby approved .

  22. 天津东疆保税港区离岸金融发展研究中华基督教会香港区会小学校长会

    Research on offshore financial development of Tianjin Dongjiang free trade port zone Association of Heads of CCC Primary Schools

  23. 目前,保税港区的申请也如火如荼。

    At present , a lot of ports are also still applying to become a Free Trade Port Area .

  24. 第三部分我国保税港区监管法律制度的现状与问题。

    The third part is about the present situation of the supervision and legal system of China ' bonded port .

  25. 通过构建东疆保税港区运营模式评价体系,利用层次分析法对其运营模式进行评价和分析研究。

    By giving the evaluation system of the areas operation mode and using AHP to evaluate and analyze its operation mode .

  26. 最后得出东疆保税港区的运营模式是综合型自由港。

    I got the conclusion that Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone , in the business mode , is an integrated free port .

  27. 针对梅山保税港区自身的特点提出了具体的实行方案。

    According to the special characteristics of the Meishan protected tariff port area , the company makes an implementation of proposed solutions .

  28. 简单介绍梅山保税港区物流中心的建设情况,并对此项目进行了必要性分析和可行性分析。

    Briefly introducing construction of the logistics centre of the Meishan protected tariff port area , the issue makes a deeper analysis .

  29. 青岛保税港区的建立大力推动了山东半岛开放型经济的发展,全面提升了青岛、山东半岛及周边省市的开放水平和发展层次。

    Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone has promoted the trade development and improved the level of opening up in Qingdao and Shandong .

  30. 短短几年间,已先后批复设立了十三个保税港区,布局脉络也已逐步清晰。

    Within a few years , it has already established 13 Free Trade Port Areas and the layout has also been gradually clear .