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  • 网络Insurance e-commerce;e-insurance;insurance electronic commerce
  1. 保险电子商务营销策略分析

    Analysis on Marketing Strategy of E-Insurance

  2. 基于J2EE体系结构的保险电子商务系统的设计研究

    Study of Designing Insurance Electronic Business System Based on J2EE

  3. 选择某保险电子商务系统作为实例说明J2EE在电子商务应用中的设计和实现,并针对系统结构和EJB设计模式作了较详细的分析。

    We choose an insurance electronic business system as our concrete application to illustrate the system design and implementation with J2EE , and attach an importance to the analysis of system architecture and EJB design pattern .

  4. 保险电子商务工程涉及的多个行业的完善需要较长时间;

    The project of electronic business insurance interfere several industry and need long time ;

  5. 而随着技术的发展,保险电子商务的技术障碍将逐步得到解决。

    With the development of technologies the technical barriers of insurance e-business will be fixed .

  6. 保险电子商务应用研究

    Application Study on E-Business of Insurance

  7. 其次,保险电子商务的发展将从内容到形式进一步完善,网上销售、网上理赔等业务逐步拓展,同时将进一步带来新的业务模式和新的产品形态。

    Secondly , development in E-commerce gets consummated from content to form , and brings new business models and products at the same time .

  8. 据统计,中国保险电子商务市场规模从2006年的8.78亿元,增长到2008年的72.6亿元,市场规模快速增长了近10倍。

    According to statistical results , China s insurance e-commerce market size was risen to 72.6 billion in 2008 from 8.78 billion of 2006 increased by nearly ten times faster .

  9. 在未来保险电子商务将可以在保险价值链的各个环节创造新的价值和服务,成功的保险电子商务企业将是那些充分利用网络技术进行创新,重新定义商业模式的企业。

    In future , e-business will create new value and service through the insurance value chain , and the next generation of successful insurers will have redefined their business model .

  10. 第二章:通过对国际上电子商务立法的简介,找出我国电子商务立法的路径,阐明我国针对保险电子商务立法的重要性;

    Chapter II : Through briefing the international legislation of E-commerce , finds out the way to E-commerce legislation in China and makes an exposition of the importance to legislate on the Insurance E-commerce in China .

  11. 目前,我国保险电子商务市场已经从导入期进入快速发展期,各保险公司和保险中介代理公司纷纷加大投入构建自己的电子商务网站和电话营销平台。

    Currently , China e-commerce market share is already entering to the station of rapid development , most insurance companies and insurance agencies increase their input on building up own e-commerce system which including website and call center .

  12. 但我们也应该看到,虽然显有优势,但有关保险电子商务的法律却几乎一片空白,在现实运作中必然极其困难且举步维艰,与发达国家相比更是明显滞后。

    However we shall also beware that though advantageous it will be , there are almost no laws governing the Insurance E-commerce , which is an obvious lag behind the developed countries and inevitably makes the operation of Insurance E-commerce in reality very difficult and hard .

  13. 通过对J2EE体系结构的分析,介绍J2EE在当前保险业电子商务应用的优越性。

    Based upon the analysis of J2EE , this paper shows the advantages of J2EE application on electronic business of insurance industry .

  14. 发展我国保险业电子商务策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of Developing E-business in Chinese Insurance

  15. 多渠道整合是保险业电子商务成功运作的基础。

    Integrated multi-channel will be the basis of insurance e-business for successful operation .

  16. 但是,在任务关键型应用中,比如银行、保险、电子商务、航运和运输等应用中,一个完整的监控解决方案是恰当的选择。

    However , in mission-critical applications , such as banking , insurance , e-commerce , shipping , and transportation , a full monitoring solution is the appropriate choice .

  17. 随着互联网的发展,网上银行、网上证券、网上保险、电子商务等日益成为业务创新的焦点,受到各方的关注。

    With the development of the Internet , Online Banking , Online Securities , Online Insurance and E-Business become the focus of business innovation and have been paid high attention to .

  18. 本文的研究目标是为Z公司(一大型保险公司)建设电子商务网站在线服务模块。

    This paper aims to build an online service module for an e-commerce website of Z company ( a large insurance company ) .

  19. 对该保险公司全面实施电子商务,在激烈的保险市场竞争中处于领先地位具有指导意义。

    The full implementation of the insurance company e-commerce , in the fierce competition in the insurance market leading position is instructive .

  20. 据此,分析了保险业务中采用电子商务的优越性,对保险企业运用电子商务的多个方面进行探讨,并给出我国保险企业发展电子商务的切入点。

    On the basis of analyzing the advantages of e-commerce development in insurance industry , it discusses some questions of e-commerce development for insurance companies , and points out the entry point for Chinese insurance companies to develop e-commerce .

  21. 拓展了传统保险代理业务的应用,推广了网络保险代理在电子商务保险服务领域的产品创新。

    No only it expands the traditional insurance agency , also advances international insurance agent innovation in the area of e-commerce financial services .

  22. 保险交易中,不存在实物产品的交换,保险中运用电子商务比一般产品更具有优越性。

    In insurance industry , there is no exchange of object products , so it is more advantageous for insurance industry to apply e-commerce than for other products .

  23. 国内保险公司应借鉴国外经验,结合国内互联网发展特点,弥补差距,重点解决保险电子商务技术瓶颈、组织的结构惯性等问题,促进电子商务高效、快速发展。

    Chinese insurers should learn experiences from their foreign counterparts to narrow the gap as the domestic Internet technology allows . They should promote rapid and effective development of insurance E-commerce business by solving the technical bottleneck and overcome their structural inertia .

  24. 保险公司采用电子签名技术,实现了网上投保、在线支付、网上智能核保和发送电子保单等全E化流程,为保险业的电子商务带来实质性突破。

    By using E-signature technology , insurance companies achieves a significant breakthrough in E-commerce , namely , a fully electronic business process ranging from online application , online payment and online intelligent underwriting to sending the electronic policy .