
bó lái pǐn
  • foreign goods;imported goods
舶来品 [bó lái pǐn]
  • [imported goods] 旧指从外国进口的货物

舶来品[bó lái pǐn]
  1. 婚前协议,曾经作为一个西方的舶来品,被很多人看作是婚姻同金钱挂钩的直接例证。

    Prenuptial agreement , had served as a Western imported goods , many people viewed as a direct example of marriage linked with the money .

  2. 对于中国社会而言,黄色新闻是一个外来事物,是舶来品,它在19世纪末就已经传到我国,并一直持续影响至今。

    To Chinese society ," yellow journalism " comes from outside world which is called imported goods . It has been transmitted to our country in the end of ninety century and has continuous influence until now .

  3. CIS作为舶来品在中国的发展只有十几年的历史。

    As a kind of exotics , CIS has not more than ten years developmental history in China .

  4. 不仅仅相关理论的新发展允许ADR进入行政领域,我国的传统文化也适宜这一舶来品的存在和发展。

    Not only the new thoughts allow ADR into the area of administrative law , but also our traditional culture is suitable for its existence and development .

  5. 这几年对ERP研究的文章资料已经很多了,但是基本都是集中在ERP相关理论、案例分析和系统集成技术方面,可以说对ERP这个舶来品在中国的发展应用起了积极的作用。

    Recent years more research articles have been made on Enterprise Resource Planning ERP , but which mainly focus on ERP related field of theory , case study and system integration technology . They have contributed more to the improvement of ERP application in china .

  6. 优先权一词是舶来品,其拉丁原文是privilegium,在法国民法典中为privl(?)

    Priority is from a foreign word . Its original text is " privilegium " in Latin and " privleges " in French civil code .

  7. 公益诉讼是舶来品,最早可以追溯到古代罗马法。

    The public interest litigation originated the ancient Rome laws .

  8. 后者亦系舶来品,源于英美法系法律推理理论。

    The latter is transplanted from the Anglo-American law system .

  9. 土地储备制度是舶来品,不是我国的首创,但是是我国的一项重要的土地制度。

    Land reserve system is an important land system in our country .

  10. 年鉴属于舶来品,直到近代才传入中国。

    The Yearbook are exotic and introduced to China until recent times .

  11. 中国教学论从严格意义上是舶来品。

    Strictly , the theory of instruction is an import in china .

  12. “城市化”是一个舶来品,“城镇化”一词更符合中国国情。城镇化是一个发展中的概念。

    The concept of urbanization is a developing one .

  13. 但如今,曾经的舶来品中出现了许多中国品牌。

    But many of those erstwhile alien products now bear Chinese brand names .

  14. 工会一致投票抵制舶来品。

    The union voted unanimously to boycott for eign-imports .

  15. 作为舶来品的纪录片,传入我国已经有很长时间了。

    As exotics , documentaries have been introduced into China for a long time .

  16. 现代建筑思想之于中国到现今为止还是一个地地道道的舶来品。

    To China , until nowadays , modern architecture ideology is completely an exotic .

  17. 舶来品被课以不合理的关税。

    Unfair tariffs are imposed on foreign products .

  18. 作为学科,教育学对中国来讲是舶来品。

    Pedagogy is an exotic subject for Chinese .

  19. 八条禁法不太可能是从古代中国输入的舶来品,它很可能是汉朝人根据自己的法律现实和法律观念附会韩国上古社会的固有习惯法而作的一种歪曲记录。

    It is not likely that " eight prohibition law " came from China .

  20. 普世伦理对中国来说,完全是一个舶来品,但影响却很大。

    Universal ethics of China is an exotic product , but have significant influence .

  21. 作为“舶来品”,保证保险在中国学术界引起诸多争议。

    As a " foreign goods ", guaranty insurance has mush disputes about its nature .

  22. 舶来品水果正在成为时髦货。

    Exotic fruits are coming into fashion .

  23. 买舶来品代表不是台湾人。

    Purchasing foreign-made products is not Taiwanese .

  24. 正像其他法律制度是在外国产生一样,财政转移支付法律制度也是舶来品,是西方世界的产物。

    Just like other legal systems , the financial transfer system is imported from western country .

  25. 情景喜剧虽是舶来品,在中国的电视节目形态中却占据了重要地位。

    Sitcom , though exotic , plays an important role on the TV programs in china .

  26. 然而,对于中国文学而言,现代科幻小说实在是一种舶来品。

    As to Chinese literature , however , the modern science fiction is just an exotica .

  27. 国际海关估价制度与削减非关税壁垒建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品

    International Customs Valuation System and the curtailing of non-tariff barriers ; raise tariff walls against foreign goods

  28. 在我国,住房抵押贷款证券化是舶来品,起步较晚。

    In our country , the residential mortgage-backed securitization is imports , which has a late start .

  29. 作为最大的社会主义国家,我国也同样引进了行政指导这一舶来品。

    As the largest socialist country , our country also introduces the administrative guidance as an exotica .

  30. 对于国内大多数钢铁企业来讲,价值服务是舶来品,是新生事物。

    For most domestic steel enterprises , the value service is imported , as a new thing .
