
  1. 而室内设计也存在大量舶来文化。

    The interior design also has a large number of " imported " culture .

  2. 实际上,中国文化在吸收国外舶来文化的过程中,自身也与时俱进。

    As a matter of fact , Chinese culture has developed a lot while embracing cultures from others .

  3. 钢琴作为舶来文化,在清末教育改革中随着中国师范教育的建立、学堂乐歌以及美育理论的宣传,顺理成章的走入中国的高等学府,并且一直在高等师范音乐教育中占有重要的地位。

    With the establishment of China higher teacher-education in the educational reform at late Qing Dynasty , and the publicity of school music and aesthetic education , the piano , a musical instrument from abroad , entered the institutes of higher learning and has been occupying a significant place .

  4. 中国法律文化的整合,不仅需要本土环境的提升,更需要根据传统与现实的情况改造舶来的法律文化。

    The reorganization of China legal culture needs not only local environment but also the changed one in accordance with the tradition and practice .

  5. 立足于中国的优秀传统和伟大实践,解决这类矛盾,是推进法治的必由之路中国法律文化的整合,不仅需要本土环境的提升,更需要根据传统与现实的情况改造舶来的法律文化。

    To solve the three problems from Chinese tradition and practice is the inevitable road for Chinese government to promote the rule by law . The reorganization of China legal culture needs not only local environment but also the changed one in accordance with the tradition and practice .

  6. 从舶来语看民族文化心理

    View the National Cultural Psychology from the Borrowed Words

  7. 但是,西化也好,移植也罢,当我们实现了制度层面的所谓现代化以后,却突然发现舶来的西方法律文化进入中国法律的文本易,但是真正融入中国的法治生活却并不简单。

    However , after the legislative system had been modernized , we suddenly found it was easier to import the western legal culture into the text of law than into real life in China .
