
  1. 专利保护期限设置的技术经济分析

    The Technical Economic Analysis of the Duration of Patent

  2. 发明专利的保护期限约为15年左右。

    The duration of protection is about 15 years or so .

  3. 发明专利的保护期限为15年。

    For invention the duration of protection is 15 years .

  4. 在一些国家,发明专利的保护期限是20年。

    In some countries , the patent right duration for invention is 20 years .

  5. 我不知道专利的保护期限为什么只有15年。

    I don 't know the reason why the duration of patent right is only 15 years .

  6. 为解决这一问题,经济学家从专利的保护范围、期限两个方面,对最优专利机制进行了设计,以在专利垄断带来的社会福利损失和激励创新之间寻求平衡。

    Faced with this problem , economists have designed an optimum patent mechanism from three aspects : the length , width and height of patent protection , in order to seek the equilibrium between loss of social welfare and encouraging innovation brought by patent monopolization .

  7. 至于实用新型专利和外观设计专利,保护期限更短,只有5年。

    For utility models and designs , the duration of protection is even shorter , only five years .

  8. 专利法通过设置专利权保护期限、行使方式来鼓励专利创新,促使新的产品市场以及技术市场的产生,有利于消费者福利。

    Patent law had better setting patent protection and exercising way and prompting new product patent innovation and technology market produce market and to consumer welfare .