
  • 网络Patent Class
  1. 专利分类号单项服务

    Individual request for patent classification

  2. 以国际专利分类号成长曲线的生命周期,技术皆都处于成熟初期。

    Applications of medical , security and disaster in growth curve of IPCs all are on technology maturity stage .

  3. 另一研究结果指出,罗吉斯成长模型所建构出之应用领域成长曲线与关键国际专利分类号成长曲线,两者间有些微落差。

    And this study finds out that there is a gap between growth curve of application and growth curve of IPCs .

  4. 面对海量的专利数据库,为了尽快找到所需要的专利信息,每一件专利都会按照其技术内容分配相应的国际专利分类号(IPC)。

    In the mass of the patent database , in order to find the required patent information , each of patents will be allocated in international patent number ( IPC ) .