
  • 网络Green River
  1. 选用美国尤因塔盆地绿河页岩干酪根、南海干酪根和抚顺煤干酪根作为测定芳香度fa的样品。

    The kerogens from Green River oil Shale , from Nanhai and from Fushun coal are selected as testing samples .

  2. 《绿河》向我们展示了危急时刻我们采取的真实的却令人烦恼的行动。

    Green River 's story deals with the agonizing truth of the actions we take in times of crisis .

  3. 米邦塔仙人掌汁饮料的热烫护绿工艺(指环境保护)绿河条例

    Study on Blanching and green - protecting of Opuntia Milpa Alta juice green river Ordinance

  4. 这些化石的形成的地点和方位同时也让研究者们知道在始新世的绿河的环境条件。

    The placement and orientation of these fossils also tells researchers about the conditions at Green River during the Eocene .

  5. 碳氢钠石是一种无水碱金属碳酸盐矿物,最初发现于美国的绿河盆地。

    Wegscheiderite is an anhydrous alkali carbonate mineral which was first found in Green River basin of Wyoming , U. S. A.

  6. 研究结果表明,绿河油页岩中的有机质分别在沉积过程中和被抬升之后遭受了两次微生物降解。

    The results show that the organic matter of the Green River Formation suffered two times from biodegradation , during the sedimentation and after the uplift , respectively .

  7. 乔佛里道,古战场就在前面,绿叉河转弯的地方。

    The battleground is right up ahead , where the river bends .

  8. 在绿叉河,他战斗时穿的是一身从莱佛德大人的货车里找到的不合身的破铠甲和一个锥顶的看起来像有人扣了个马桶在他头上的水桶盔。

    At the Green Fork , he had fought in mismatched scraps of plate from Lord Lefford 's wagons , with a spiked bucket helm that made it look as if someone had upended a slops pail over his head .