
pènɡ zhuànɡ wēi xiǎn
  • risk of collision
  1. 碰撞危险与避碰规则的适用时机

    Risk of Collision and Right Moment for Application of Collision Regulations

  2. 碰撞危险、紧迫局面和紧迫危险剖析

    Analysis of the Risk of Collision , Close quarters Situation and Immediate Danger

  3. 笔者将人工神经网络的BP学习算法用于船舶碰撞危险评价的研究,试图用神经网络的BP算法代替模糊推理系统。

    Authors use back propagation learning algorithm of neural network to make assessment of ship collision risk .

  4. 第二部分是移动VTS的碰撞危险度模型。

    The second part is the collision risk model of the Mobile VTS .

  5. 空域飞行侧向碰撞危险的REICH模型方法研究

    REICH Model in Collision Risk Study of Airspace Flight

  6. 根据AUV的特点建立了空间碰撞危险区域和由水平面速度势场和垂直面速度势场组成的三维速度势场。

    According to the characteristics of AUV , the collision field and three-dimensional velocity potential field are built , and the latter is composed of horizontal and vertical velocity potential fields .

  7. 同时应用新兴起的神经网络工具,区别于他人研究,以一船获得的另一船的原始数据作为BP神经网络的输入,探讨了确定碰撞危险度的快速BP神经网络,通过仿真,结果理想。

    The BP NN tool is used to calculate collision risk differently with others , it takes the row data obtained directly from ARPA as BP NN 's inputs , the rapid calculation PB NN is determined and the results of BP NN simulation are very good .

  8. 基于模糊理论建立船舶碰撞危险度的数学模型,分析隶属函数中的关键参数会遇安全距离(SDA)和最晚点避让两船间距(DLA)。

    Based on fuzzy theory , a mathematical model that used to determine the risk-degree of collision between ships was built , and the key parameter SDA and DLA in the function was analysed .

  9. 本文应用海上避碰知识和模糊集理论,通过对宽水域多船会遇避碰行为进行分析,提出了基于DMU开发的大型船舶操纵模拟系统的宽水域船舶碰撞危险性实时评价模型。

    In this paper , an evaluation method of collision risk in wide waters based on DMU Ship Handling Simulator is proposed , by applying avoiding collision knowledge and fuzzy set theory and through detailed analysis of avoiding collision behaviors when multi ship encountering in wide waters .

  10. 基于模拟器的宽水域船舶碰撞危险性评价模型

    The Evaluation of Collision Risk in Wide Waters based on Simulator

  11. 基于改进的神经网络的船舶碰撞危险度的模型

    An Improved Neural Network Based Model of Collision Risk Index

  12. 基于自适应模糊系统的船舶碰撞危险评判

    Risk Assessment of Ship Collision Based on Adaptive Fuzzy System

  13. 船舶碰撞危险综合评价系统的比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Different Ship Collision Risk Assessment Systems

  14. 多船会遇碰撞危险的灰色动态评价模型

    Grey dynamic system evaluation model for collision risk of multi-ships encounter situation

  15. 一种基于模糊原理的碰撞危险度模型

    A Risk Degree Model of Collision Based on Fuzzy Theory

  16. 基于碰撞危险度的移动机器人避障模糊控制

    Obstacle-avoidance fuzzy control of a mobile robot dased on risk-degree of collision

  17. 你正接近一艘船并且你不能确定是否存在碰撞危险。

    B.You are the give way vessel.C.The other vessel is also in doubt .

  18. 船舶碰撞危险度评判模型

    A Model for Estimating the Risk Degrees of Collisions

  19. 船舶碰撞危险的自适应神经网络-模糊推理评价方法

    Adaptive Neural Network of Ship Collision Risk - Assessment Method of Fuzzy Inference

  20. 评估碰撞危险度方法的探讨

    Study of the Method of Assessing Collision Risk

  21. 没有我的命令不得改变航向,除非为了避免碰撞危险。

    Neveralter the course without my orders unless for avoided the risk of collision .

  22. 第二,多船相遇碰撞危险的综合评价问题;

    The second is on the overall appraisal of collision risk in multi-ship encounter situation .

  23. 同时,还对右舷对右舷对驶局面中的碰撞危险作了分析。

    In addition , the risk of collision in the starboard-to-starboard passage is also discussed .

  24. 基于碰撞危险度和运动预测的多移动机器人避碰规划

    Collision Avoidance Planning of Multiple Mobile Robots Based on Risk-Degree of Collision and Motion Prediction

  25. 高速船碰撞危险模型

    Collision risk model for high speed craft

  26. 时间碰撞危险度及模型

    Time collision risk and its model

  27. 用神经网络评价船舶碰撞危险的研究

    Collision Risk Assessment Using Neural Network

  28. 船舶空间碰撞危险度的概念及其模型

    Space collision risk and its model

  29. 目标船碰撞危险及模型

    Vessel collision risk and its model

  30. ⑶利用数值仿真法分析了舷侧结构碰撞危险点问题。

    ⑶ The problem of dangerous points of side structure collision is analyzed by numerical simulation .