
pèng shāng
  • bruise;be injured or damaged after being hit by sth
碰伤[pèng shāng]
  1. 我撞到椅子上,碰伤了腿。

    I banged into a chair and hurt my leg .

  2. 小心存放,因为它们很容易被碰伤。

    Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily .

  3. 有些人比其他人更容易被碰伤。

    Some people bruise more easily than others .

  4. 我只是把膝盖给碰伤了。

    I had only bruised my knee

  5. 选一个干燥暖和的日子把它们从植株上割下来,注意不要碰伤它们。

    Choose a warm , dry day to cut them off the plants , being careful not to bruise them .

  6. 苹果易碰伤,要小心轻放。

    Don 't drop apples ; they bruise easily .

  7. 这个梨子有碰伤的黑斑。

    The pear had bruises of dark spots .

  8. 结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。

    The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns .

  9. 他在意外事故中被割破和碰伤了几处地方。

    He got a few cuts and scratches in the accident .

  10. 她的身体感觉碰伤了,她的嘴唇柔软娇嫩。

    Her body felt bruised , her lips pulpy and tender .

  11. 如果你碰伤了你的脚趾,这不是意外。

    If you stub your toe , it is no accident .

  12. 我撞到了路灯上,把膝盖碰伤了。

    I crashed into a street light and hurt my knee .

  13. 很对不起,我碰伤了你&但不是故意的。

    I 'm sorry I hurt you it was not intentional .

  14. 对产品不存在划伤,磕碰伤。

    There is no scratch and knocked wounded for products .

  15. 她有点小碰伤在她那什么上。

    She 's got some bumps on her whats is .

  16. 小心包装桃子,别让它们碰伤或压伤。

    Pack the peaches carefully so that they won 't get bruised .

  17. 我腿上碰伤的部位仍有触痛

    My leg is still very tender where it is bruise

  18. 然后我就掉下了床,碰伤了我的头。

    And I fell off the bed and I bumped my head .

  19. 我一定是在打篮球的时候把肩膀碰伤了。

    I must have jarred my shoulder playing basketball .

  20. 我刚才下公共汽车时被碰伤两处。

    I 've just been bruised in two places getting off the bus .

  21. 他背部受了严重的碰伤。

    He got a bad bruise on the back .

  22. 前三位伤害原因为跌倒/跌落、碰伤/挤压伤、扭伤;

    The three leading injury causes were falls , collision / extrusion and sprains ;

  23. 碰伤的脚趾是非常痛的。

    A stubbed toe can be very painful .

  24. 她重重地摔倒在地,碰伤了肩膀。

    She fell heavily and bruised her shoulder .

  25. 然后我教他玩乒乓球,但是他碰伤了手。

    Then I taught him to play ping-pong , but he hit his hand .

  26. 她严重碰伤了,但其他没有什么。

    She was badly bruised but otherwise unhurt .

  27. 碰伤了我眼眶周围的骨头。

    Chipped the orbital bone around my eye .

  28. 王海一直抱着妻子,自己手肘碰伤了也不在乎。

    Wang has been holding his wife , his elbow banged up do not care .

  29. 电缆运输应确保包装完好,严防机械碰伤。

    Cable transportation shall ensure that the package is in good , defend mechanical collision .

  30. 她前天从自行车上摔下来,身上到处都碰伤了。

    She was all battered and bruised having fallen off her bike the day before .