
  • 网络Glonass
  1. 建立在苏联时期的据点,俄罗斯正扩展其格洛纳斯监测站,俄罗斯的全球位置测定系统。

    Building on a Soviet-era foothold , Russia is expanding its monitoring stations for Glonass , its version of the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) .

  2. 这将是继GPS(美)、格洛纳斯(俄)和伽利略(欧)之后的第四个全球卫星导航系统。

    It will be the fourth global satellite navigation system after GPS , GLONASS and Galileo .

  3. 俄罗斯正在以一个苏联时代的驻扎点为基础,为他们的格洛纳斯系统(Glonass)拓建观测站,这是该国自行开发的全球卫星定位系统。

    Building on a Soviet-era foothold , Russia is expanding its monitoring stations for Glonass , its version of the Global Positioning System .

  4. 北斗系统是与全球定位系统、伽利略和格洛纳斯并列的全球四大卫星导航系统之一。

    BDS is one of the four global navigation satellite systems in the world , along with GPS , Galileo and GLONASS .

  5. 北斗是全球第四大导航卫星系统,其他三大系统分别是美国的全球定位系统,俄罗斯的格洛纳斯系统以及欧盟的伽利略定位系统。

    BeiDou is the world 's fourth navigation satellite system , with the others being the US ' GPS , Russia 's GLONASS , and the European Union 's Galileo .