
  • 网络sami;Saami;sami people
  1. 萨米人在环境问题上观点很鲜明。

    The Sami have strong views on environmental matters .

  2. 政府把开发石油获得的财富都用在了北极地区,萨米人的文化也因此得到了某种意义上的复兴。

    The state has lavished its oil wealth on the region , and Sami culture has enjoyed something of a renaissance .

  3. 萨米人最集中的是在首都奥斯陆。

    The largest concentration of Sami people is in the capita , Oslo .

  4. 在北方萨米人有几种萨米语作为口语和书面语。

    Several Sami languages are spoken and written in the northern regions by the Sami people .

  5. 当代居民是萨米人,自古以渔猎为生,即使在今天,他们仍然与自然环境共生共存。

    The native population is the saami who live traditionally from hunting and fishing , in symbiosis , even nowadays , with their environment .

  6. 萨米人则被看作是本土人,一直在挪威,瑞典,芬兰和俄罗斯的北部居住。

    The Sami are instead considered an indigenous people , and traditionally live in the Northern parts of Norway , Sweden , Finland and Russia .

  7. 我不会蠢到说我们可以学习因纽特人或萨米人的生活方式的地步,因为我们的生活方式显然与他们截然不同。

    It would be crass to suggest that we can learn to live like the Inuit or the Sami , for clearly our life experience is very different .

  8. 在挪威北部,萨米人在2005法律的保护下拥有了一些对当地资源的法律权利,他们正在努力的和那些开采矿藏石油和天然气的公司争取补偿。

    In northern Norway the Sami , having won legal rights to some local resources under a2005 law , are pushing for new compensation from firms exploiting minerals and oil and gas .

  9. 执照上写道:“凭此照可在本县境内渔猎。”当地人被称作萨米人,自古以渔猎为生。

    The license said ," You are hereby given the right to fish and hunt in this county . " The native population is the " Sami " who live traditionally from hunting and fishing , in symbiosis .

  10. 挪威1992年颁布的《萨米语言法》,是北欧诸国中第一部旨在保护和发展萨米人语言权利和文化权利的国家级行政法令。

    The Sami Language Act promulgated in 1992 in Norway is the first national and administrative law , which is aimed at preservation and development of linguistic and cultural rights of the Sami .