
hé lú
  • perch;bass
河鲈[hé lú]
  1. 河鲈食性分析及其摄食生态策略

    The food analysis and feeding ecological strategy of Perca fluviatilis

  2. 河鲈是一种不一般的鱼。

    The pirate perch is an unusual fish .

  3. 田纳西河域吃蜗牛的河鲈,体长3英寸。

    3-inch snail-eating perch of the Tennessee River .

  4. 貌似长矛的淡水河鲈。鲑是由海移栖淡水河产卵的。

    Pike-like freshwater perches . Salmon are anadromous .

  5. 他们用曳绳钓法在湖中钓河鲈。

    They troll the lake for bass .

  6. 追求整体性理想的法律解释观&以河鲈科淡水小鱼案为例

    Pursuing the Concept of Legal Interpretation of Ideal Integrity & A Case Study of Snail Darter

  7. 河鲈属的鱼任何一种有关或类似的鱼类,例如狗鱼或双棘石斑鱼。

    Any of various similar or related fishes , such as the pike perch or the grouper .

  8. 在为期4年(1987~1990年)的新疆乌伦古湖渔业资源考察中,从来自各湖区的渔船中随机抽样了11161尾河鲈标本,对其年龄、体长、体重进行了统计。

    From 1987 to 1990 , 11 161 pieces of Perca fluviatilis had been sampled at random from fishing boats .

  9. 加多种调料的汤或炖菜,由淡水鱼类(鳗鲡、鲤鱼、河鲈)和葡萄酒、高汤做成。

    Highly seasoned soup or stew made of freshwater fishes ( eel , carp , perch ) with wine and stock .

  10. 新疆乌伦古湖河鲈二十年来种群生长变化及原因

    Perch ( Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus ) growth variation and inducing reasons of Lake Ulungur , Xinjiang Province in the last two decades

  11. 科学家研究了甲虫和青蛙面对食肉鱼的反应,发现河鲈还有一个独特的地方。

    Scientists investigating the response of beetles and frogs to predatory fish have found that the pirate perch has another unique feature .

  12. 无论怎么回事,河鲈能够把自己藏起来,而其他鱼就做不到——这是它们独特的才能。

    Whatever is going on , the pirate perch is able to hide its presence in a way that other fish simply can 't , making it uniquely talented .

  13. 如果池塘里有河鲈,这些可能被吃掉的动物却很高兴在这里安家。研究员不确定河鲈是否掩盖了自己的化学信号或者将自己伪装成其他东西,或者其他因素在起作用。

    The potential prey were perfectly happy to set up home in ponds containing pirate perch.The researchers aren 't sure whether the pirate perch is cloaking its chemical signature or disguising itself as something else , or if there 's some other factor at play .