
hé chuáng
  • bed;riverbed;river bed;poised river;waterstead
河床 [hé chuáng]
  • [river bed] 被河流占有或从前被河流占有的沟槽

河床[hé chuáng]
  1. 河床上散布着很多大圆石。

    The riverbed was strewn with big boulders .

  2. 利用ExcelVBA自动绘制河床演变断面比较图

    Automatically Drawing Riverbed Section Evolvement Charts by EXCEL VBA

  3. 这条河在这里流入狭窄的河床。

    Here the river is confined in a narrow channel .

  4. 现在河床已完全干涸了。

    Now the river bed is bone dry .

  5. 河床为泥沙所堵塞,船只无法通行。

    The channel had chocked up with sand so that boats couldn 't use it .

  6. 那位农学家建议在干涸的河床上种水稻。

    The agronomist suggested growing rice on the dried river bed .

  7. 枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。

    The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past .

  8. 他们在干枯的河床边野餐过。

    They had a picnic by the arroyo .

  9. 然而,水鼩为了能吃到在河床和溪床上生活的所有昆虫幼虫,不得不到水下觅食。

    But the ability to feed on all the insect larvae2 that live on the beds of rivers and streams has driven them to forage3 under water .

  10. Fuzzy等价关系在河床演变中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Equivalence Relation to Fluvial Process

  11. 由于下水库溢流坝坝址处河谷狭窄,河床底宽约8~12m。

    At the dam site of the moutain spillway dam of the lower reservoir , the width of the riverbed is about 8 ~ 12m .

  12. 方法打斜管井深入黄河河床以下30m处,以大功率水泵抽水,经加氯消毒后供生活饮用。

    Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built .

  13. 去Sekhutlong的小径沿山坡蜿蜒回转,往下穿向河床,往上攀至村庄。

    The path to Sekhutlong hugs hillsides , dropping to riverbeds , and climbing to villages .

  14. 龙口位于主河床深槽右侧,龙口宽130m,最大水深达60m。

    The closure gap will be located in the right part of the main river channel , with its width of some 130 m and maximum water depth of up to 60 m.

  15. 三峡工程一期土石围堰全长约2500m,高度30~40m,束窄原河床约30%。

    The 1st stage earth and rockfill cofferdam of Three Gorges Project has a total length of some 2500m , with its height of 30 ~ 40m and reduced river width of some 30 % original one .

  16. 有限单元法计算采用平面有限元计算,计算模形为Duncan-Chang的E-B双曲线应力应变模型,计算断面选取布置主要观测仪器的河床最大断面。

    The computation of finite element method adopts the plane finite element computation and the calculating model is Duncan-Chang E-B hyperbolic curve stress-strain model . The calculating cross section selects the maximum cross section of riverbed for main observing instrument .

  17. 局部水域的河床冲淤变化情况分两个层次分析:一个层次是在码头上下游2km水域范围内分析了河床的平面及控制断面的变化情况;

    The analysis of river-bed deformation at Xinda dock waters is composed of two parts . One is the analysis of cross section and river-bed in the range of 2 km upstream to 2 km downstream of Xinda dock waters .

  18. 在求解水流泥沙运动方程时,采用控制体积法(SIMPLEC程式)及动边界技术,对水流速度场、悬移质浓度场及河床变形进行了数值模拟。

    The control volume method ( SIMPLEC ) and movable boundary technique were used in solving the equations of water and sediment movement . The velocity field , the concentration field of the suspended load and the river-bed deformation were simulated .

  19. 长江口南港河床的演变模式

    On Pattern of River-Bed Evolution of South Passage in Changjiang Estuary

  20. 滹沱河上修建水库后下游河床演变

    Downstream Channel changes subsequent to reservoir construction on the Hutuo River

  21. 陆水水利枢纽坝下游河床演变规律分析

    An Analysis on Downstream River - bed Evolution of Lushui Project

  22. 水库下游河床粗化计算模型

    A Mathematical Model on the Armoring of River Bed Downstream Reservoir

  23. 河床式水电站拦污栅堵塞调查研究

    The Investigation and Study on the Trashracks Block in Riverbed-hydroelectric Station

  24. 浅析河床下切与北江三水站水文要素的变化

    River-bed Deepened with the Change of Hydrologic Element at Sanshui Station

  25. 坝址区河床狭窄,存在河谷深槽。

    The dam site has a narrow riverbed and deep trench .

  26. 河床已干枯宽阔的运河已变得狭长。

    The river bed has become drought and its course narrow .

  27. 同样被讨论的还包括河床的前锋冈萨罗。

    Also up for discussion is River Plate striker Gonzalo Higuain .

  28. 20世纪的河床演变学

    Fluvial processes study in the 20 ~ ( th ) century

  29. 广西浔江长洲枢纽坝下河床冲刷研究

    Study on River Bed Erosion Below Changzhou Reservior in Xunjiang River

  30. 从水沟或河床中移动物质的机器。

    A machine to remove material from a channel or riverbed .