
mó shí
  • abrasion;erosion;corrosion;abrasive wear;fretting corrosion
磨蚀 [mó shí]
  • (1) [erosion]∶由于流动液体或气体的磨擦或腐蚀所引起的金属或耐火材料的表面破坏

  • (2) [corrosion]∶岩石和土壤借助于风、浪、水流或冰川推动物质的作用而被磨损

磨蚀[mó shí]
  1. 高铬镍不锈钢J1合金磨蚀行为研究

    Abrasion Behavior of J_1 High Ni-Cr Stainless Steel

  2. 水轮机磨蚀破坏的综合治理

    Comprehensive Tackle for the Abrasion and Cavitation Damage of Hydraulic Turbine

  3. 避免使用磨蚀剂,以免损坏瓷砖。

    Avoid abrasives , which can damage the tiles .

  4. 316L不锈钢在Saline溶液中的微动磨蚀行为研究

    Study on the Fretting Corrosion-wear Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel in Saline Solution

  5. Cr、Si、Mn、Cu对中低铬白口铸铁抗磨蚀性能的影响

    The effect of cr , si , mn and Cu on the corrosive wear resistance of low-medium chromium white cast iron

  6. 抹杀古代石碑上的文字,已经因时间长久而磨蚀去。n.闪烁;

    efface The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time .

  7. 渣浆泵ADI叶片的磨蚀特性分析

    Analysis on the Wear Characteristic of ADI Blade for Slurry Pump

  8. JS&18(CPE)防水卷材抗空蚀抗磨蚀性能的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Cavitation Resistance and Abrasion Resistance of JS-18 ( CPE ) Waterproofing Roll Material

  9. 外加极化电位对316L不锈钢微动磨蚀行为的影响

    The Effect of Applied Potential on the Fretting Corrosion-wear Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel

  10. 高耐磨蚀R1合金研究

    A high erosion / corrosion resistant alloy

  11. 结果表明ADI叶片的磨蚀情况不同于灰口铸铁等一般脆性材料。

    The results indicated that the wear characteristic is different from the ordinary ductile materials like grey cast iron .

  12. CrMnN(WC)抗磨蚀复合涂层的组织与性能

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Erosion-Corrosion-Resistant Compound CrMnN ( WC ) Coating

  13. 两年的试验结果表明,铝钛共渗钢在炼油装置的低温湿H2S环境中具有良好的耐腐蚀性能和抗磨蚀性能,应用前景广阔。

    The two years operation indicates that the Al-Ti-diffused steels offer excellent corrosion resistance performance in low-temperature wet H2S environment in refinery process units .

  14. PFBC-CC燃机叶片试片腐蚀/磨蚀初步研究

    Initial Study on Corrosion / Erosion of PFBC CC Gas Turbine Blades ' Specimens

  15. 在实验室进行了渣浆泵ADI叶片的模拟磨蚀试验,并在扫描电镜(SEM)下观察ADI叶片破坏的宏观和微观形貌。

    The wear experiment on ADI blade for slurry pump has been conducted in the laboratory . The damage appearances of ADI blade were observed and photographed using SEM .

  16. 在含SO2成分、添加石英砂细粉的800°C烟气中,对7种耐高温材料进行了热态磨蚀腐蚀试验。

    Hot erosion / corrosion test of seven kinds of materials for separating and reinjecting components in CFB was conducted in oil fired gas stream with SO 2 atmosphere and laden with quartz sand powder at 800 ° C.

  17. 语言磨蚀(languageattrition)针对这一现象做出了解释。1980年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学召开的语言技能磨蚀研讨会第一次正式的认可语言磨蚀作为一个学术研究领域。

    A reasonable explanation for this is language attrition , which , as a field of academic research , was first recognized formally at the Conference on the Attrition of Language Skills at the University of Pennsylvania in 1980 .

  18. 采用球-平面接触微动磨损试验机考察了轧制固溶316L不锈钢在不同极化状态下的微动磨蚀行为。

    The influence of applied potential on the fretting corrosion wear behavior of 316L stainless steel in saline solution has been investigated with a test rig of ball on plane contact configuration .

  19. 结果表明,在冲击速率(v)为1.5~3.5m/s范围内,该材料的磨蚀速率(ω_(HDPE/cis-BR))随v的5.9次方递增。

    The experimental results show that the erosive rate (ω _ ( HDPE / cis-BR )) of the material increases with impact velocity ( v ) to the 5.9 th power in the v range of 1.5  ̄ 3.5m/s .

  20. 在浓度大于0.1N的盐酸介质中,高铬铸铁磨蚀速率显著高于不锈钢。

    As acid density was higher than 0.1N the corrosive-abrasive rate of high chromium cast iron was considerably higher than that of stainless steel .

  21. 用自制的旋臂式磨蚀实验仪,研究了5种高密度聚乙烯和1种顺丁橡胶改性的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE/cis-BR),在铁尾矿和铁精矿浆体中的耐磨蚀性。

    The erosive rates to iron tailings slurry and to iron concentrate slurry of five different kinds of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) and a cis-1,4 polybutadiene modified HDPE ( HDPE / cis-BR ) were studied with a self-made erosive set-up equipped with six whirling arms .

  22. 粗煤气中含有的粉尘、H2S、COS、NH3、HCl及气态碱金属等污染物不仅污染环境,而且严重磨损和磨蚀燃气轮机的叶片。

    Abstract Not only do pollutants , like dust particles , H2S , COS , NH3 , HCl and gaseous state alkaline metals , as contained in coarse coal gas , foul the environment , but they erode and abrade gas turbine buckets in addition .

  23. 新型泥浆泵水力与抗磨蚀研究

    Research on Hydraulic Performance & Wearing Resistant Measures of Slurry Pumps

  24. 几种烟气轮机叶片材料抗磨蚀性能的比较

    Comparing on Corrosion-Resistant Function of Some End Gas Turbine Blade Materials

  25. 钢基表面激光熔覆金属陶瓷涂层的抗磨蚀性能研究

    Study on Abrasion and Cavitation Erosion of Coating by Laser Treatment

  26. 固体颗粒磨蚀的数值模拟计算分析

    Data Simulation Analyzing and Calculating Method for the Solid Particles Erosion

  27. 脱硫浆液输送泵材料磨蚀性与泵性能关系的研究

    The Study on Desulphurization Pump Anti-Abrasion and Anti-Corrosion Materials and Performance

  28. 雨和霜都是磨蚀岩石的自然力。

    Rain and frost are natural agents that wear away rocks .

  29. 水工建筑物混凝土材料抗磨蚀设计指标的研究

    Research on Abrasion Resistance Design Index of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures

  30. 不同含沙量不同流速时材料的磨蚀失效特性

    Abrasion Failure of Material under Different Sand Contents and Flow Velocities