
mó ceng
  • dawdle;linger;dilly-dally;lightly rub;traipse;move slowly
磨蹭 [mó cèng]
  • (1) [dawdle;move slowly]∶行动迟缓;做事拖拉

  • 你这么磨蹭,什么时候才完得了啊

  • (2) [lightly rub]∶用力地轻微摩擦

  • 他的左脚轻轻地在地上磨蹭着

磨蹭[mó ceng]
  1. 别磨蹭了,咱们快迟到了!

    Stop dawdling ! We 're going to be late !

  2. 他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。

    He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin .

  3. 她用嘴磨蹭他的耳朵。

    She nuzzled his ear .

  4. 别再磨蹭了,快去买一个。

    Stop messing about and go and buy one

  5. 他右脚轻轻地在地上磨蹭着。

    He scraped his right foot lightly on the floor .

  6. 他的腿好多了,可以一个人扶着向前磨蹭了。

    His leg is getting better and he can move slowly with support .

  7. 我跟爸爸磨蹭了半天,他才答应明天带我到动物园玩去。

    I kept pestering my father until he promised to take me to the zoo tomorrow .

  8. 别磨蹭了,快走吧。

    Stop dawdling and get moving .

  9. 像《描绘人生》另一款5thCell的游戏,玩家能在游戏的开始菜单上磨蹭时间。

    Like Drawn to Life , another one of5th Cell 's games , players can dilly-dally in the game 's startup menu .

  10. .我喜欢她眼睛的光彩。vi.磨蹭

    I like the sparkles in her eyes

  11. 本来说好由阿姨来接JC,但JC没有看到阿姨,就自己开始往家走,中途他在出售玩具的店铺前磨蹭了一阵。

    Unable to find an aunt who was supposed to accompany him , J.C. began walking home , lingering in front of stores with toys .

  12. 小姑娘跟妈妈磨蹭着要一条新裙子。

    The little girl pesters her mother for a new skirt .

  13. 学生们没时间在学校的自助食堂磨蹭。

    Students had no time to dillydally in the school cafeteria .

  14. 起床!别磨蹭!虚拟生活教练来电话了。

    Get up ! No stalling ! Virtual life coach is calling .

  15. 你还在磨蹭什么呢,等著圣诞节吗?

    What the hell are you waiting for , christmas ?

  16. 磨蹭浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇。

    To waste time , especially in indecision ; dawdle or vacillate .

  17. 有人看到一个男孩在一匹马附近磨蹭着。

    Someone had seen a boy roving about near a certain horse .

  18. 我只是不明白丹尼尔还在磨蹭什么。

    I just don 't know what 's taking Daniel so long .

  19. 您可是最磨蹭的!

    But you are the slowest of the slow !

  20. 一听说要洗澡,我们可能会趿拉着球鞋磨蹭半天。

    The thought of bathing made us shiver in our Velcro strapped shoes .

  21. 咱爹就不该成天地咳嗽,到处磨蹭了。

    Father wouldn 't have coughed and crept about .

  22. 我在家磨蹭了一上午。

    I spent the morning puttering around the house .

  23. 我们在路上走的时候,我妹妹一直拖着脚步磨蹭。

    My sister was scuffing her feet as we walked down the road .

  24. 攀岩伙伴可以互相提醒对方的脚是否在岩壁上磨蹭。

    Climbing partners can alert each other to feet dragging on the wall .

  25. 虚度光阴无目的地磨蹭而浪费时间;虚度(光阴)

    To waste time by puttering aimlessly ; dawdle .

  26. 他又磨蹭了半个小时。

    He ground on for another half hour .

  27. 快点我可没那么多时间陪你们快点磨蹭鬼们

    Come on , I don 't have all day . Come on slowpokes !

  28. 别磨蹭了&把你的东西打包,然后我们就能走了。

    Don 't dillydally & just pack your things and then we can go !

  29. 别磨蹭了,快点儿!

    Quit dragging your heels and hurry !

  30. 那个油漆匠真会磨蹭。

    That painter really takes his time .