
  • 网络Run-in period;BREAK-IN PERIOD;Break in Period;Storming
  1. 文化的形成过程包括以下四个阶段:产生初期,磨合期,规范期和表现期。

    The culture of a group is shaped in its group formation process consisting of four stages : forming , storming , norming and performing .

  2. 随脉冲频率的增加,陶瓷膜的磨合期缩短,在稳定阶段的摩擦系数降低,摩擦系数波动变小。

    With the increased of frequency , the run-in period became shorter , average friction coefficient of stable stage decreased , fluctuations in the friction coefficient became smaller .

  3. 基于铁谱图像R模式聚类分析的内燃机磨合期研究

    Study on the Run-in Period of Internal Combustion Engine Based on the R Model Clustering Analysis of Ferrography Image

  4. 汽车在磨合期的使用与维护

    The Use and Maintenance of the Automotive In Running-in Period

  5. 铁路机车柴油机磨合期的探讨

    Study on the Wearin Period of Railroad Locomotive Diesel Engine

  6. 汽车磨合期与正常使用期的发动机摩擦学状态监测

    Tribological Condition Monitoring of Engine of Automobile at Running-in and Normal Working Stage

  7. 涂层的磨损过程可分为磨合期与稳定期。

    The wear process can be divided as running-in and stable wearing period .

  8. 注重大学新生磨合期

    Attention to the Freshmen 's Adapting Period

  9. 我院顺利渡过联勤合并磨合期的体会

    Experience on How to Pass through Grind in Period of Joint Service Successfully in Our Hospital

  10. 浅析磨合期汽车的使用

    Use of Automobile in Running-in

  11. 结果表明,填料的加入可以缩短磨合期,延长稳定磨损期。

    The results show that bringing fillers in UH-MWPE can shorten breaking-in period , prolong the steady wear period .

  12. 基于分形理论的柴油机缸套&活塞环磨合期摩擦磨损特性研究

    Research on Friction and Wear Characteristic of Cylinder Liner-Piston Ring for Diesel Engine in Running-in Period Based on Fractal Theory

  13. 保证汽车发动机在磨合期的早期磨损中尽量减少非正常磨损。

    Try its best to guarantee automobile engine reducing abnormal wearing and tearing in running period and early wear period .

  14. 可能是第一次与贵公司合作的原因,这其中还存在一个磨合期。还请凉解。

    Please understand that there should be a special period for us to trust eachother as this is our first cooperation .

  15. 在企业管理的权力、权限方面,企业主和经理人尚处于磨合期;

    As to the authority and duty in business management , business owners and professional managers are still in the stage of negotiation .

  16. 有人怀疑,联合政府还将持续这段漫长的磨合期,尽管民调显示自民党支持率下滑,但联合政府已表现出令人吃惊的和谐,也非同寻常的勤勉,甚至有些激进。

    Some doubted that the coalition would last this long but it has been surprisingly harmonious , despite the Lib Dems'drop in the opinion polls .

  17. 根据试验获得的磨合期匹配表面的分形曲线图,提出了两种判定磨合期的方法:①磨合期匹配表面的分形维数的变化趋势判定法。

    Two methods of defining the running-in period are unprecedentedly introduced and explained , namely ① defining by the changing of fractal dimension of running-in surface .

  18. 随着一系列关键人物出场,主角虽然短暂相互会见,但仍需一段磨合期。

    With an ensemble of key figures to introduce , the main roles physically look the part but still need to warm up to each other .

  19. 实践证明,它对提高学生的学习兴趣、扩大学生的知识面和缩短同学们从学校到生产单位的磨合期,很有益处。

    It is good practice to student for raising study interesting , expanding the range of knowledge and shortening the train time from school to production unit .

  20. 马来西亚树脂粉以管材厂为主要销售对象,其销售需要一定的磨合期。

    Malaysia resin the powder is then to take care of the factory for primarily sell the object , its sale the demand to certainly whet to match the period .

  21. 自1992年试点以来,外资零售企业进驻中国已经十几年了,一些大的跨国企业度过最艰难的磨合期,通过实施本土化战略,以快速成长。

    Since the pilot in 1992 , foreign retailers have entered China more than a decade and some large multinational companies have run through the most difficult period and implemented the localization strategy to be fast-growing .

  22. 企业文化作为物流企业资源系统并购整合过程协同演化的序参量也是物流企业资源系统并购整合过程的一部分分为探索期、碰撞期、磨合期和完善期。

    Culture of Enterprise as order parameter for integrating process of M & A about system of Logistics Enterprise Resources is also divided into explorative period , collision period , engines period and perfecting period . 6 .

  23. 但由于受机制和管理体制方面因素的制约,国家对职业教育的投资缺口较大,尤其是处于组建中(过渡期)及组建之后(磨合期)的技术学院,可谓困难重重。

    But with the large breach of state investment in the polytechnic schools in the merging period and in the conformity period , it is confronted a lot of difficulties by the restriction of the system and management system and other factors .

  24. 本文就整合期的高职院校所包含的两个时期:过渡期和磨合期的财务管理所应侧重的工作,在借鉴国外先进财务管理经验的基础上进行了详尽的探讨和研究。

    This paper has made a detailed research and study on the more important work of the financial management in the merging and conforming period of polytechnic school on the basis of drawing on the experience of advanced financial management of other countries .

  25. 在质保期内保障业主的权益方面,论证了质保期和磨合期内设备润滑系统监测的必要性。监测方案必须建立在合理的设备故障模型的基础上才有绝对的意义。

    With regards to the guarantee of the owers'rights in the period of quality guaranteed , I prove the necessity of monitoring the lubricating system of the equipments and the monitor scheme must be based on the reasonable breakdown model of the equipments .

  26. 本文通过试验分析了影响柴油机磨合效果的主要因素&负荷、速度,并得出了以下结论:强化负荷和速度,是使磨合盛期提前到来、实现快速磨合的重要手段;

    Based on experiments , analysis has been carried out to investigate the primary factors , load and speed , that affect the running-in result of a diesel engine .