
  1. 桂林山水甲天下。

    The mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven .

  2. 人们都说“桂林山水甲天下”,到桂林一看,果然名不虚传。

    People say : “ Guilin 's scenery is peerless in the world . ” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation .

  3. 这种格调在白雪石的桂林山水画作品中体现的非常明显。

    This style is embodied obviously in the Guilin landscape paintings .

  4. 漓江依山流转蜿蜒,是桂林山水的精华。

    Lijiang River takes wind flow is the essence of Guilin landscape .

  5. 论桂林山水城市景观特色及其保护

    The characteristics of scenic city of Guilin and its protection

  6. 苏杭美景天下绝,桂林山水甲人间。

    Jervois beauty of the world must , Guilin , a human landscape .

  7. “桂林山水甲天下”的本质含义仍在发展深化,并仍将具有旺盛的生命力。

    The essential implication of the poem is still developing with vigorous life .

  8. 挂毯上是美丽的桂林山水?

    Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin ?

  9. 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。罗林斯(1947.6.22,迦纳阿克拉~)

    Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere , and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin .

  10. 而桂林山水也是美不胜收。

    And the landscape in Guilin is gorgeous !

  11. 人们常说,桂林山水甲天下。

    People often say the mountains and waters in Guilin are the best under Heaven .

  12. 对,我是一条来自美丽桂林山水甲天下的小鱼儿。

    Yeah , I am the fish come from the beautiful hill and clear water of Guilin .

  13. 试论桂林山水美的审美生成及其层次&兼谈山水审美的主体条件

    On Aesthetic Generation and Levels of Beauty in Guilin Scenery & also on Subjective Conditions of Scenery Appreciation

  14. 作为20元人民币的插图,桂林山水在中国以美丽著名。

    Illustrating the20 Renminbi ( Chinese currency ) note , the karst mountains are famously beautiful in China .

  15. 畅游在桂林山水问可使人舒展灵魂、滋养才情、净化心灵。

    Touring between the Lijiang landscapes allow people to stretch soul , nourish talent , purification of the mind .

  16. 此外,灿烂的壮族文化和秀丽的桂林山水也令人神往。

    Furthermore , the brilliant local Zhuang ethnic-group culture and the picturesque landscape of Guilin appeal deeply to the tourists .

  17. 如画的桂林山水有着独特的美,这种美孕育了桂林山水文学及桂林山水画的产生。

    Picturesque Guilin scenery of unique beauty , this breed of Guilin , Guilin hydrology of mountain and landscape painting .

  18. 最早的“桂林山水甲天下”诗句就刻在独秀峰的石岩上。

    The oldest line of " the landscape of Guilin is the best under heaven " is engraved on its rock .

  19. 吉林雾凇与桂林山水、云南石林、长江三峡并誉为中国四大自然奇观。

    Jilin get snow and fog Guilin landscapes , Yunnan hill , and as China 's Three Gorges four natural wonders ;

  20. 自然山水是五彩纷呈的,咏叹桂林山水景物的桂林山水诗具有色彩美。

    The natural landscape is a colorful scene , the chant of Guilin scenery Guilin Landscape Poetry has the beauty of color .

  21. 这种趣味补充了桂林山水的秀美的意味,和桂林山水画中澄净秀美的特征相辅相成。

    This interesting complement the beautiful landscape of Guilin and supplement each other with the features of clear and beauty in Guilin landscape .

  22. 其中旅游大省&广西,因桂林山水甲天下而博得了国内外游客的追捧,泰国游客尤为其甚。

    Which tourism province-Guangxi , for " Semiotic " and won the pursuit of domestic and foreign tourists , especially the very tourists in Thailand .

  23. 桂林山水作为清新、秀美山水的典型代表,其神秀、韵美的自然风光为中国山水画的创作提供了鲜活的素材。

    Guilin as fresh and beautiful landscape typical of god , the draft , beautiful natural scenery for the creation of the landscape offers of matter .

  24. 山水内容部分主要论述诗歌中所体现的桂林山水、风土的总体特点以及具体景点的山水特色。

    The part of landscape content mainly discusses the general characteristics of Guilin landscape , Guilin landscape style , as well as characteristics of the specific attractions .

  25. 千峰环野立,一水抱城流,这是对桂林山水的真实写照。

    " Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around ; a river winds its way aBout the city . " This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery .

  26. 将桂林山水之美,巧妙融入标志,不单具有特色,而且意境优美,在标志设计中绝不容易。

    It is never an easy task to add the beauty of Guilin scenery to the icon , emerging not only the specific characteristic , but also elegant prospect .

  27. 桂林山水画到了近现代呈现蓬勃发展的态势,但是由于各方面原因仍有着许多的问题制约着桂林山水画的发展。

    Guilin landscape painting to the vigorous development of the modern rendering , but due to various reasons still has very many problems of restricting the development of Guilin landscape painting .

  28. 提出了以桂林山水文化为依托,发展桂林曲艺、戏剧旅游,以适应旅游市场需求层次提高的趋势,丰富桂林旅游产品结构,提高其文化品味。

    Some tentative plans are proposed to develop Guilin 's acrobatics and opera tourism program to meet the increasing tendency of tourist market and enrich the structure of tourism products in Guilin .

  29. 它依山势而建,与桂林山水融为一体,是目前桂林面积最大,功能比较完善,设施比较齐全的综合性体育运动场所。

    Built on the mountain foot , it merges with Guilin landscape , and is a comprehensive sports venue largest in area , relatively perfect in functions , complete in facilities in Guilin .

  30. 如何在山水画题材方面发挥出桂林山水的优势,并形成以此题材为代表的画派,需要当代画家共同思考和不断努力。

    It requires contemporary painters to think and work together as to how the advantages of the landscapes with the theme of Guilin are shown and how to form a style of their own .