
  • 网络Guiping;Guiping city
  1. 广西桂平市四德铅-锌-铜矿床地质特征及找矿潜力分析

    Geological characteristics and ore potential of the Side lead zinc copper deposit in Guiping , Guangxi

  2. 服装业发展中的金融支持研究&以广西桂平市为视角

    Research on Financial Support for Garment Industry Development

  3. 1991~1996年,采用五点式布点法,对广西桂平市马尾松工程林幼林期病虫害进行连续定位监测。常用除草剂在幼林除草抚育中的效益试验研究

    During 1991 ~ 1996 , pests in pine engineering young growth ( Pinus massoniana Lamb . ) The Experimental Study on the Benefits of Common Weed Killers in Weeding Tending of Young Forests