
běi ài ěr lán
  • Northern Ireland;North Ireland;ireland northern
  1. 士兵过去都要在北爱尔兰服役六个月。

    The soldiers all used to do a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland .

  2. 这部电影未在北爱尔兰政治问题上选择站边。

    The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland

  3. 这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。

    These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle

  4. 我们在北爱尔兰目前资源不足。

    We are not yet fully resourced in Northern Ireland

  5. 北爱尔兰队将对阵拉脱维亚队。

    Northern Ireland will play Latvia

  6. 说北爱尔兰是现代欧洲死气沉沉的落后地区已是陈词滥调了。

    It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in the modern Europe .

  7. 大部分地区降雨超过通常水平,北爱尔兰地区本月的降水量则为平均值的两倍。

    Most areas suffered more rain than usual , with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month .

  8. 对北爱尔兰问题作出最佳阐述与分析的莫过于《独立报》戴维·麦基特里克的文章了。

    Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent 's David McKittrick .

  9. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。

    The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

  10. 大不列颠包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。

    Great Britain includes england , scotland , wales and Northern ireland .

  11. 奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的哈兰德与沃尔夫船厂为英国白星航运公司建造的。

    The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company .

  12. 苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的考生人数也出现了急剧下降。

    There 've been similar steep declines in Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .

  13. 北爱尔兰对立派系领袖达权力分享协议NorthernIreland'sRivalLeadersReachDealonSharingPower北爱尔兰新教和天主教政治领导人宣布了一项今年5月8号组建权力分享政府的协议。

    Protestant and Catholic political leaders in Northern Ireland have announced a deal to form a power-sharing government on May eighth .

  14. TheUK指的是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,它由四个国家组成,英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰。

    The UK means the United Kingdom , which is comprised of 4 different countries , England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland .

  15. 而周二在北爱尔兰的G8峰会上,

    On Tuesday at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland ,

  16. 今年30岁的乔纳森褠德森(Jonathan)Anderson出生于北爱尔兰,他于2008年创建JWAnderson品牌。

    Northern Ireland-born Jonathan Anderson , 30 , launched JW Anderson in 2008 .

  17. 北爱尔兰问题是一个复杂的历史问题,这一问题在20世纪60年代末逐步升级并演变为所谓的北爱尔兰动乱(theTroubles)。

    The Northern Ireland problem was historically a complicated issue , which gradually evolved into the Troubles at the end of 1960s .

  18. HBO的流行剧《权力的游戏》给北爱尔兰的经济带来了意外的旅游收入。

    HBO 's Popular TV series Game of Thrones has given Northern Ireland 's economy an unexpected tourism boast .

  19. 理查德·豪伊创立了世界上最大的私人制药公司NorbrookLaboratories,并将其设立在北爱尔兰地区。同时,他还有其他商业营利。

    Richard Haughey founded the world 's largest private pharmaceutical company Norbrook Laboratories , deliberately placing it in the Northern Ireland . He also had a range of other business interests .

  20. 红衣主教SeanBrady选择在北爱尔兰阿尔马大教堂圣帕特里克日布道时进行公开道歉。

    Cardinal Sean Brady chose to a very public apology in his St. Patrick 's Day sermon in the cathedral in Armagh , in Northern Ireland .

  21. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  22. 北爱尔兰事务大臣肖恩伍德沃德(shaunwoodward)表示,庞巴迪投资是“对北爱尔兰经济的一次重大推进”。

    Shaun Woodward , Northern Ireland secretary , said the bombardier investment was " a major boost to the economy of Northern Ireland " .

  23. 查斯坦:我当时在北爱尔兰,拍根据斯特林堡(Strindberg)的原著改编的电影(丽芙·乌曼[LivUllmann]导演的《朱莉小姐》[MissJulie])。

    CHASTAIN I was in Northern Ireland , shooting a Strindberg adaptation [ Liv Ullmann 's " Miss Julie " ] .

  24. 笔者基于DRASTIC方法开发了一个动态风险评价方法,并将其运用于英国北爱尔兰UpperBann流域中的一个小流域。

    We developed a dynamic risk assessment method based on DRASTIC and applied it in a watershed of the Upper Bann Catchments , Northern Ireland , for the purpose of groundwater nitrate pollution risk assessment .

  25. 并且她就打算在星期三晚上在北爱尔兰的Belfast这样做,她当天晚上在舞台上抿了一口啤酒。

    And the pop songstress attempted to do exactly that in Belfast , Northern Ireland on Wednesday night as she sipped a beer on stage as her Prismatic tour kicked off .

  26. 在Armagh,一名北爱尔兰警察在讲电话时被击中后脑勺身亡。

    Northern Ireland police officer answered a call in Armagh and was shot in the back of the head .

  27. 《娱乐周刊》周三报道,权游的主创DavidBenioff和DanWeiss想请马丁来拍摄地北爱尔兰,在这季里客串一下,但马丁拒绝了。

    Entertainment Weekly reported on Wednesday that series showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss tried to get Martin to travel to North Ireland , where the show filmed , to do a cameo on the upcoming season , but Martin declined .

  28. 周二,奥利弗。诺伍德在北爱尔兰U-21的比赛中打进了自己多场比赛以来的第2个任意球。他的球队也以2-1战胜了捷克。

    On Tuesday , Oliver Norwood scored his second free-kick in as many games in Northern Ireland U21s '2-1 defeat to the Czech Republic .

  29. 来自北爱尔兰的高尔夫神童罗里•麦克罗伊(RoryMcIlroy)本赛季发挥不好。

    Rory McIlroy is not having a good season on the golf course . A year ago the wunderkind from Northern Ireland finished second in the rankings .

  30. 北爱尔兰的巴利马尼区是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)的拍摄地,在传说故事中,那里的黑暗树篱(中下)里住着仙女,就像雅尼娜·珍妮特(JanineJanet)1957年创作的那种雕塑(上排中右)。

    In tales and fables , thickets like the Dark Hedges in Ballymoney , Northern Ireland ( bottom center ) , where " Game of Thrones " was filmed , are alive with fairy creatures of the kind sculpted by Janine Janet ( top center-right ) in 1957 .