
tiān wén tái
  • observatory;astronomical observatory
天文台 [tiān wén tái]
  • [observatory station] 观测天文和研究天文学的科学机构

  1. 当初创立皇家格林尼治天文台就是为了观察星体并对其进行编目。

    The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars .

  2. 若想找个地儿开心地逛一天,没有哪家博物馆能比得上格林尼治皇家天文台。

    Few museums could rival the Old Royal Observatory at Greenwich for a grand day out

  3. 盖伊的房子离天文台很近。

    Guy 's house was close to the observatory .

  4. 上海天文台光电等高仪的新Z项


  5. 独立发展了上海天文台的GPS掩星振幅反演软件系统。

    A processing software construction of amplitude inversion by GPS occultation is independently developed in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory .

  6. 从90年代起,上海天文台就分别开展了地基GPS气象学和空基GPS气象学的研究工作。

    Since the middle of 90s , SHAO has developed the study on the space-based and the ground-based GPS meteorology facilities .

  7. 弯曲的,淡蓝色星云在图像的中心,显示图片是钱德拉X射线天文台拍摄的数据。

    The curved , light blue ridge running down the center of the image shows X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory .

  8. 我国天文台及潜在台址所在地区Fried参数r0的计算与统计分析

    Calculation and Statistical Analyses of Fried Parameter r_0 Over the Regions of Astronomical Observatories and Potential Sites in China

  9. 上海天文台VLBI,SLR和GPS站的归心结果与分析

    The last measurement results and analysis among Shanghai Observatory vlbi , SLR and GPS stations

  10. 上海天文台的VLBI、SLR、GPS站的空间归心测量

    The Determination of Space Coordinate Differences among VLBI , SLR and GPS Stations of Shanghai Observatory

  11. 云南天文台1m望远镜卡焦(缩焦)CCD测光系统的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Cassegrain Focal Reducer CCD Photometry System of the 1 meter Telescope at Yunnan Observatory

  12. 云南天文台VLBI观测站选址

    Site Selection for A VLBI Station at And Near the Yunnan Observatory

  13. 利用国产GPS定时型接收机,按照国际共视规程,陕西天文台建立了GPS共视法时间比对。

    Using a GPS timing receiver made in China , CSAO have built a GPS common view time comparing system according to the international common view regulation .

  14. 介绍了用于上海天文台VLBI系统的本地站程序,它主要控制佘山VLBI25m站的一些专用设备。

    The station command program for VLBI of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory are described .

  15. 布达佩斯天文台对于天琴座RR型变星的研究工作

    Work on RR LYRAE-VARIABLES at Budapest Observatory

  16. 1990年上海天文台VLBI观测情况统计

    VLBI observations at Shanghai Observatory in 1990

  17. CALTECHVLBI处理软件包在上海天文台SUN工作站上的安装和调试

    The installation and debugging of Caltech VLBI processing software package on the sun work station in Shanghai Observatory

  18. 国家天文台正在研制的50m射电望远镜将投入脉冲星观测与研究,推动我国的脉冲星工作。

    The 50m radio telescope of the National Astronomical Observatories will work for pulsar observations .

  19. 自“异常物体”在地球近邻在钱德拉X射线天文台被发现以来,许多假想和猜测涌现出来。

    Since the breakthrough of the exceptional object in Earth 's cosmic neighborhood and its discovery by Chandra X ray Observatory , many hypothesis and suppositions have come to the fore .

  20. 这张有点透视效果的图是从美国宇航局的钱德拉X射线天文台获得的鹰状星云的中心地区,它揭示出传说中的“创作之柱”里包含着数量惊人的恒星。

    This penetrating view of the central region of the Eagle Nebula from Nasa 's Chandra X-ray observatory reveals the incredible amount of star formation inside the iconic'Pillars of Creation ' .

  21. 上海天文台25m天线驱动系统的探讨

    The modified on the driving system for the 25m antenna of Shanghai Observatory

  22. 凡Swift的英美烟草公司提供了一个广角认为,船上钱德拉X射线天文台像变焦镜头和解决详细百倍小担任X射线望远镜。

    Where Swift 's BAT provided a wide-angle view , the X-ray telescope aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory acted like a zoom lens and resolved details a hundred times smaller .

  23. 上海天文台VLBI站的时间基准

    Time reference of VLBI

  24. 去年在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔,国家射电天文台(NationalRadioAstronomyObservatory)的天文学家发现了一颗脉冲星,绕着它运动的另外两颗缩小的恒星被称为白矮星,而这一现象是前所未见的。

    Last year , astronomers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville , Virginia , discovered the first pulsar orbited by two other shrunken stars , called white dwarfs .

  25. 云南天文台1.2m望远镜的光学系统

    Optical System of the Yunnan Observatory 1.2 m Telescope

  26. 我们使用云南天文台1米RCC望远镜和卡焦摄谱仪,取得了7张长狭缝光谱。这是我国唯一的一组哈雷彗星长狭缝光谱。

    U. , respectively , we made some long-slit spectral observations using the Cassegrain spectrograph attached to the 1-m RCC telescope of Yunnan Observatory .

  27. 本文综述了近年来世界上各大天文台站对正常星系的射电连续辐射和HI辐射的观测及研究。

    The observations and study of radio continuum radiation and HI radiation of normal galaxies carried out by the main observatories in the world in recent years is described .

  28. 本文简述了在云南天文台本部和附近对VLBI观测站址的初选。

    The preliminary site selection for a VLBI station at and near the Yunnan Observatory is briefly described in this present article .

  29. OH(3090)发射线的出现既证实了卫星观测结果,又说明云南天文台的紫外观测条件是优越的。

    The discovery of OH ( 3090 ) emission gives us a clue in the research of development of hydrogen cloud aroud this comet and indicates that the ultraviolet observations at Yunnan Observatory is in an excellent condition .

  30. 用上海天文台佘山观测站的1.56m望远镜和CCD照相机,观测到彗-木碰撞的六次事件。

    Ix impacts are observed with the 1.56m telescope and a CCD camera system at the She Shan Station of the Shanghai Observatory .