
tiān huā
  • smallpox
天花 [tiān huā]
  • (1) [smallpox]∶由天花病毒引起的一种烈性传染病,表现为严重的病毒血症及接连出现的各阶段皮疹,皮疹最后以脓泡、脱痂及瘢痕形成为特征

  • (2) [tassel]∶玉蜀黍的雄花,因为长在植株的顶部,所以叫天花

  • (3) [snow]∶雪花

  • 夜散下无数茸毛似的天花,织成一片大氅。--闻一多《雪》

  1. 他向世界卫生组织提供资金以帮助消灭天花。

    He gave money to the World Health Organisation to help defeat smallpox

  2. 猖獗多年的天花终于灭迹了。

    Smallpox , rampant for centuries , has finally been eliminated .

  3. 曾经,每个老师每周都有一天花上一小时对学生的每门功课进行测试。

    There was a time when each teacher spent an hour , one day a week , testing pupils in every subject

  4. 这些包括有关天花、疱疹以及副流感的巨细胞。

    These include giant cells associated with variola , herpes simplex and parainfluenza .

  5. 得了天花,脸就麻了。

    Smallpox will leave pockmarks on the face .

  6. 曾几何时,天花被认为是不治之症。

    Smallpox was once considered incurable .

  7. 天花几乎已被消灭。

    Smallpox has almost been eradicated .

  8. 年,他染上了致命的天花。

    In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox.1742

  9. 你小时候打过天花疫苗吗?

    Were you vaccinated against smallpox as a child ?

  10. 种痘是预防天花的方法。

    Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox .

  11. 在挑战周之前,我们平均是一天花2小时在手机上,拿起手机60次,比如拿起来看一下有没有新邮件。

    So before challenge week , we were averaging two hours a day on our phones and 60 pickups , you know , like , a quick check , did I get a new email ?

  12. 天花预防接种面临的挑战与DNA痘苗

    Challenges Confronted in Smallpox Vaccination and DNA Smallpox Vaccine

  13. 游泳场馆SwimmingpoolWEISH威旭软膜天花有良好的弹性,不怕足球、篮球、手球;

    WEISH soft membrane Ceiling has good flexibility to resist impact from football , basketball and handball .

  14. CMS公司金属天花产品营销策略研究

    Study on Metal Ceiling Marketing Strategy in Shenzhen CMC

  15. 或者可能是一天花12个小时在Facebook(脸书)或者是Instagram上。

    Or the hobby could be twelve hours a day on Facebook or Instagram .

  16. 结果由于X射线对天花、地面、墙身、门、窗影响最大,故搭挂铅皮均应注意钉孔的保护,以免X射线从钉孔泄漏。

    Results X-ray has great impact on the ceiling , wall , door and windows . Therefore in setting up the lead protective shield , nail-holes should be carefully covered to prevent the leaking of X-ray .

  17. 软膜天花安全防火国内为B1,经检测证明,我们产品完全符舍国家标准要求。

    Soft film ceiling fire safety of domestic as B1 has been tested and proven that our products fully comply with national care standards .

  18. 韩国庆州——她一天花数个小时观看日本电视台NHK。

    GYEONGJU , South Korea - She spends hours a day watching the Japanese broadcaster NHK .

  19. 房间的窗帘是威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)设计风格的回归。还有祼露的砖墙。浴室墙壁上,从天花到地板都采用奶油色长方形墙砖,这与纽约地铁里倒有几分相似。

    The curtains are a throwback to a William Morris design , there are exposed brick walls , and the floor-to-ceiling bathroom tiles are creamy oblongs similar to those in the New York subway .

  20. 他曾任美国疟疾控制和预防中心(CDC)主任、CDC根除天花规划主任和卡特中心执行主任。

    He was Director of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), Chief of the CDC Smallpox Eradication Program , and Executive Director of The Carter Center .

  21. 一位英国医生爱德华•琴纳(EdwardJenner),发现通过接种感染牛痘脓疱可以预防天花。

    An English physician , Edward Jenner , discovered that by inoculating a person with pustules from the pox infection of a cow , smallpox could be prevented .

  22. 通过了解什么样的抗原决定簇会结合MHC分子并引起免疫反应,科学家就能利用这些抗原决定簇发展一种疫苗来避免疾病――正如刚才所说的天花。

    By understanding which epitopes will bind to the MHC molecule and cause an immune attack , scientists can use those epitopes to develop a vaccine to ward off illness-in this case to smallpox .

  23. 适合环保及消防要求,适用于∶电视背景墙、KTV、DISCO、酒店、办公室会所、走廊、门框、天花、房地产装饰的首选产品。

    Suitable for environmental protection , fire controling : TV background , KTV , DISCO , hotel , office , slype , doorcase , variola , building material decorate .

  24. WEISH威旭软膜天花为聚氯乙烯材料制成,故防水、防潮、防尘。

    WEISH soft membrane Ceiling is made from PVC , which makes it water-proof , moisture-proof and dust-proof .

  25. WEISH威旭软膜天花产品在展示展览方面给设计师提供了更大的发挥空间、产品美观大方、最大的发挥出展览的效果。

    WEISH soft membrane Ceiling offer designers much room to exercise their talent in making designs for display and exhibition .

  26. 他在印度致力于根除天花,后来负责管理谷歌的慈善机构以及斯科尔(Skoll)基金会。

    an epidemiologist who was working to eradicate smallpox and who later ran Google 's philanthropic arm and the Skoll Foundation .

  27. WEISH威旭软膜天花产品光洁度高,能防静电,达到防油烟的目的,易清洁有效防止细菌滋生。

    The high finishing makes WEISH soft membrane Ceiling antistatic , oil and soot resistant , easy to clean and capable of restrain growth of bacteria .

  28. 2007年,三雄极光将金卤灯,T5支架,灯杯,镇流器,天花灯,格栅射灯,支架领域开发新产品,扩大核心产品序列。

    In2007 , three will be hung Aurora Metal Halide , T5 , lamp cup , ballast , Tin Lantern , grille spotlights and stent area to develop new products , the core product expansion Serialization .

  29. 发布对在猴痘暴发区域里使用天花疫苗、cidofovir和牛痘免疫球蛋白的临时指导

    " Issued an interim guidance on the use of smallpox vaccine , cidofovir , and vaccinia immune globulin in the setting of an outbreak of monkeypox . "

  30. 为了探索治疗天花、痤疮遗留表浅瘢痕与大面积色素斑较简易有效的新方法,利用GX-Ⅱ型多功能电离子手术治疗机烧灼皮肤至真皮浅层代替皮肤磨削这种传统术式。

    This study adopts new electronic medical technology : GX ⅱ multi function electronic operation instrument to find a new simple effective medical way that can cure large pigment spots , scars of smallpox and acne instead of dermabrasion .