
  • 网络glamour stock;hot issue;jshg;blue chip
  1. 国外学者研究发现:首次公开发行的股票存在发行定价偏低、热门股市场和新股长期表现失常等现象。

    Scholars abroad have discovered that with initial issuing of stocks there are usually such problems as underpricing , " hot issue market " and abnormal long-term behavior of new stocks .

  2. 他在10年前开始炒作热门股。

    Trading hot stocks a decade ago , Mr.

  3. 本文的创新之处在于把证券分析师给予评级的股票进行了分类,分为热门股和冷门股,也就是高关注股票和低关注度股票。

    The innovation of this paper lies in classifying the analyst ' rating stocks , classes are " hot " and " cold ", which mean high attention stock and low attention stock .

  4. 第五部分介绍了不完全信息动态博弈的最优均衡&完美贝叶斯纳什均衡。分析了中国股市中一些垃圾股走俏为热门股的现象。

    During the fifth part , we introduce perfect Bayesian Nash Equilibrium , which is the optimal solution of dynamic game of incomplete information , meanwhile , analyze the reason of an abnormal phenomenon in Chinese Stock Markets .

  5. 而随着团购服务提供商groupon也将上市,热门科技股的供应已所剩无几。

    With Groupon , an online coupon service , also about to float , the supply of hot stocks is running low .

  6. 社交电视(SocialTV)一词指的是发生在网络上的关于电视节目的实时交谈,它是推动连续剧长期占据热门位置的一股主要力量。

    ' Social TV ' is the term for the real-time conversations happening online , and that 's a major force keeping serial shows at the forefront .