
  • 网络local commercial banks
  1. 论我国地方性商业银行的市场定位

    On the Market Orientation of Chinese Local Commercial Banks

  2. 我国地方性商业银行虽然近年发展迅速,但时刻面临着激烈的竞争和多方的压力。

    Though developing quickly , Chinese local commercial banks face severe competition and pressure from different fields .

  3. 这使得我国地方性商业银行也纷纷开始对中小企业进行小额授信。

    This makes our local commercial banks have also started microfinance for SMEs .

  4. 国有控股商业银行并购的投入产出效应不如地方性商业银行,最好的则是全国性非国有制商业银行。

    The input-output effect of state-owned bank is worse than local bank , while the national shareholding bank is best .

  5. 地方性商业银行的成本效率现阶段暂时处于较低位置,有待于进一步提升。

    The cost efficiency of local commercial banks at present it is in a lower position , need to be further improved .

  6. 对于地方性商业银行,建立一套完整、安全、先进的核心业务系统无疑将成为提升银行核心竞争力的重要手段。

    For local commercial banks , the establishment of a comprehensive and secure core banking system becomes a good way to improve core competency .

  7. 黄河农村商业银行作为地方性商业银行,资产规模逐年增加,盈利水平逐步提高。

    Yellow River Rural commercial banks as a local commercial banks , asset size increased year by year , gradually increase the level of profitability .

  8. 近年来,随着外资银行的逐步成熟和地方性商业银行跨地区经营的开展,国内银行业所面临的竞争愈演愈烈。

    With the gradual mature of foreign bank development and the launch of local commercial bank trans-regional operation , the domestic banks is facing more intensified competition .

  9. 因此,民族地区应依靠政府推动信用环境建设、大力发展地方性商业银行和提高信贷资金配置效率。

    Therefore , the race region should depend on the government push credit environment construction and develop the local commercial bank and exaltations credit fund to install the efficiency strongly .

  10. 所以建立以地方性商业银行为主的多种类型的中小金融机构是我国目前解决中小企业融资难问题的有效途径。

    So set up with the local commercial bank . For many medium and small financial institution of kind of main fact being whether our country solve small & medium sized enterprises finance difficult effective way of problem at present .

  11. 这就要增强国有商业银行的竞争力,使其在产权改革路径下,面对国内的各大股份制商业银行、地方性商业银行和外资银行的挑战中处于不败地位。

    This will require the enhancement of the competitiveness of state-owned commercial banks under the path of reform property so that they will remain successful in the face of the major domestic shareholding commercial banks , local commercial banks and foreign banks .

  12. 同时暴露出地方性商业银行的信用风险整体较大,说明其信用风险控制机制还很不完善,这也为各地不断成立的地方性金融机构敲响了警钟。

    Meanwhile , the local commercial banks ' credit risk exposed and with a overall large number , indicating that their credit risk control is far from perfect , it also sounded the alarm to the quickly and largely establishment of local financial institutions .

  13. 从控制权到所有权:地方性股份制商业银行法人治理结构改革的逻辑

    On the Reform of the Corporate Governance of City Commercial banks

  14. 大连市商业银行是一家由城市信用社起家的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Dalian City Commercial Bank is a local stock commercial bank .

  15. 重庆银行作为一家地方性股份制商业银行,同样面临或者存在上述问题。

    Chongqing Bank is a local joint-stock system company , and faces or has the same above problems .

  16. 结论如下:第一,地方性股份制商业银行面临着外部人控制与内部人控制间的权衡取舍,因而在客观上不存在短期内建立完备市场经济国家银行法人治理结构的现实可能性;

    Conclusions are as follows . First , the trade - off between outsider and insider control restricts the short - run corporate governance restructuring .

  17. 城市商业银行是经国务院批准,在部分城市信用社的基础上组建起来的地方性股份制商业银行。

    City commercial banks are local joint-stock commercial banks , which are set up on part of the urban credit cooperatives approved by the State Council .

  18. 湘潭市商业银行作为地方性股份制商业银行,在支持中小企业和服务广大市民方面做出了有益的尝试和贡献。

    As one of the local joint-stock banks , Xiangtan Commercial Bank has conducted a good try and contribution in supporting medium-small enterprise and serving vast local citizens .

  19. 株洲市商业银行作为地方性股份制商业银行,相对于国内其他商业银行而言,核心业务竞争力差成为影响其今后发展的制约因素。

    Relative to other domestic commercial banks , Zhuzhou City Commercial Bank , as a local joint-stock commercial bank . The less competitive Core business become a constraint which affect their future development .

  20. 城市商业银行是我国新兴的地方性股份制商业银行,对其监管一直是中央银行的监管重点,而支付风险的防范又是地方中央银行监管的“重中之重”。

    The city commercial bank is the new type local stock bank to our country , and also is emphasis to central bank supervise , and payment risk is " the first point of first point " to supervisor .

  21. 作为地方性的中小商业银行,成都市商业银行由于自身的规模、人才、利润约束,服务方式及创新能力的局限,在竞争中处于相对劣势。

    As the local center small bank , the Chengdu Commercial Bank is in the relative inferiority in the competition , as a result of own scale , the talented people , the profit restraint , the service method and the innovation ability limitation .

  22. 城市商业银行是地方性的股份制商业银行。

    City Commercial Banks are regional stock companies .

  23. 城市商业银行通常是指以某个城市为服务对象,在重组城市信用社的基础上,由企业、居民和地方财政投资入股组建的地方性股份制商业银行。

    City Commercial Banks ( CCBs ) refer to locally joint-stock commercial banks which are invested and sponsored by industries , citizens and government finance , serving the cities and based on restructuring urban credit cooperatives .

  24. 我国的城市商业银行定位,类似于国外的中小银行,是由城市企业、居民和地方财政投资入股,在城市信用社的基础上改组而来的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Similar to small banks of foreign country , City Commercial Banks of China are the local joint-stock commercial banks which were set up in the basis of urban credit cooperatives and shared by the companies , residents and local financial investment stake .