
  1. 马克思恩格斯认为,经济的社会形态的发展是一种自然史的过程。

    Marx and Engals believed that the development of social economic pattern is a natural process of history .

  2. 我国古代长期处在宗法式农业经济的社会形态里,史官文化的影响极其深远。

    Ancient China had long been in the social conformation of patriarchal agricultural economy , and the influence of the official historians ' culture was far-flung .

  3. 第三章集中讨论了三大社会形态理论和五种社会形态理论、三大社会形态与经济的社会形态的关系问题。

    Chapter III concentrates on the interrelationship between the theory of three social orders and five social orders , and the interrelationship between the theory of three social orders and economic social formation .

  4. 在现代市场经济确立的社会文化形态中,纳税人和社会公众对服务的满意度,必然成为对包括税务机关在内的政府部门行政管理的主要目标和评价标准。

    For governmental organs , including taxation bureaus and offices , the satisfaction of taxpayers and the public towards all kinds of governmental services should be a great goal and standard for appraisal , according to the cultural forms constituted by modern market economy .

  5. 这些经济利益在一定的社会形态下彼此连结成为具体的经济利益关系,进而相互交织成为整个社会的经济利益关系格局。

    These economic interests are linked with each other as the specific economic interests , and become the pattern of economic interests as a whole .

  6. 随着休闲时代的来临,中国休闲经济的飞速发展使社会形态及消费观念发生了转变。

    With the arrival of the age of information economy leisure era , further development of Chinese leisure economy has changed social formation and consumption concept .

  7. 作为人类社会继农业经济、工业经济之后的社会经济形态的新经济,是一次影响深远的经济转型。

    As a social economic formation , new economy is a economic transform which has profound influence , followed by agricultural economy and industrial economy .

  8. 新经济主要新在三个方面:知识经济是新的社会经济形态,虚拟经济是新的经济活动模式,网络经济是新的经济运行方式。

    The features of New Economy are best manifested in the following three aspects : knowledge economy is the new socio economic formation , Cyber economy is the new economic model , while net based economy is the new economic operational mode .