
  1. 转轨时期地方政府债务风险及其防范

    The Local Governmental Debt Risk on Shift Period and Its Guard

  2. 防范和化解地方政府债务风险研究

    Research on preventing and reducing the local government debt risk

  3. 第三部分,我国地方政府债务风险的实证分析。

    The third part is the risk of Local Government Debt Analysis .

  4. 略论我国地方政府债务风险及防范

    About the Debt Risks and their Prevention of Local Governments in our Country

  5. 中央政府称,地方政府债务风险可控。

    China says local gov 't debt risk controllable .

  6. 第五部分,探析国外地方政府债务风险控制经验。

    The fifth part of the risk of foreign control of local government debt experience .

  7. 可见,中央已高度关注地方政府债务风险问题。

    Obviously , the central government has paid high attention to local governments debts risks .

  8. 因此,地方政府债务风险管理的研究十分具有挑战性。

    Therefore , the research on the local government debt risk management is very challenging .

  9. 地方政府债务风险已经成为威胁我国经济安全与社会稳定的巨大隐患。

    The risks of local government debts have imperiled economy security as well as society steadiness .

  10. 地方政府债务风险是地方政府财政风险的集中体现。

    The finacial risk of the local governments embodies mainly in the risk of their debts .

  11. 在此基础上,总结了我国现阶段地方政府债务风险的主要表现形式。

    On such basis , we can summarize the main forms of current local governmental debt risks .

  12. 同时,在借鉴国外经验的基础上,提出了四种控制地方政府债务风险的方法。

    Chapter 4 is the discussion of theoretical basis , restraints and the general methods of risk control .

  13. 不难看出,地方政府债务风险与广泛的宏观经济政策和各领域体制改革的背景密切相关。

    Obviously , the risk of local government liabilities is intimately related to the macro economic policy and the structural reform .

  14. 在地方政府债务风险日益增大情况下,该项研究在当前则更具有现实意义。

    Moreover , the condition of risks in local government obligation is very serious , so the research is important in present .

  15. 由于我国地方政府债务风险预警机制还尚未完善,因此我国地方政府债务的风险预警和控制机制相对缺乏,并且具有负债日益隐性化,债务管理混乱的特点。

    Because the local government debt risk warning mechanism is not yet complete , local government debt is lack of risk warning and control mechanisms .

  16. 如何化解地方政府债务风险,已是当前社会各界普遍关注的热点问题,也成为摆在各级政府面前的一道难题。

    How to mitigate the debt risks of local governments has become an issue of great social concern and represent a thorny problem for local governments .

  17. 为了更好地化解和防范出现的地方政府债务风险,借鉴发达国家治理地方政府债务的成功经验是可行的。

    In order to better resolve and prevent emergence of local government debt risk , borrowing from the success of local government debt management experience is feasible .

  18. 通过对债务危机的分析提出地方政府债务风险的评判标准,设计警情指标和警兆指标。

    By the analysis of obligation crisis , this paper gets the standard to judge the risks in local government obligation and design indicator reacting to crisis definition .

  19. 通过法律途径控制地方政府债务风险,不仅要有健全的法律制度为基础,还要很好的落实这些制度。

    Controlling the risks of local government debt through legal channels , not only bases on a sound legal system , but also very good implementation of it .

  20. 我国有关地方政府债务风险的控制主要是从政治学、财政学、管理学等领域进行研究,法学领域研究甚少。

    In China , the researching of controlling of local government debt is mainly from the fields of politics , finance , management , law controlling is very little .

  21. 而将预警方法运用到地方政府债务风险领域的研究才刚刚起步,本文采用定性和定量相结合的方法,为构建地方政府债务风险预警体系提出了一种新的思路。

    During the initial stages of applying the Early-Warning to risks in government obligation , this paper supplies a new train of thinking by using quantitative and qualitative analysis .

  22. 由于地方政府债务风险的隐蔽性,很多地区的地方政府已经陷入一种超还款能力举债的恶性循环之中。

    Because the hidden of the risk in local government debt , many areas of local government have been plunged into a super ability to repay a vicious cycle of debt .

  23. 在这一部分中,本文对防范我国地方政府债务风险的思路和目标进行了描述,然后提出了防范地方政府债务风险的具体建议。

    In this section , the paper on local government debt against the risk of the ideas and objectives are described , and then made against the local government debt risk of specific recommendations .

  24. 我国地方政府债务风险的成因有二:其一,我国地方政府事权与财权的不相匹配;其二,我国地方政府债务管理上存在的问题。

    Risk of local government debt has two causes : First , my powers and financial authority of local governments do not match ; Second , because our local government debt management problems led to the cause .

  25. 再次,研究内部控制视角下地方政府债务风险控制目标、控制原则以及风险控制要素这几个问题,尝试从理论上构建出地方政府债务风险控制系统框架。

    Once again , put forward local government debt risk control target , control principle and risk control elements based on the perspective of internal control , try to theoretically construct a system framework of local government debt risk control .

  26. 要控制地方政府债务风险,必须通过法律途径执行好这一过程,其中,监管是重中之中,无论是债务融资、资金使用以及债务偿还,必须始终贯穿于整个过程。

    Controlling the risk of local government debts , we must through legal channels perform this process . The supervision is especially most important , whether the financing , using or repaying of debts , it must throughout the entire process .

  27. 通过地方政府债务风险管理理论,提出广义债务的概念,指出地方政府债务风险实际上就是地方政府财政风险,揭示了地方政府债务风险是经济深层次上的风险。

    According to the management theory , generalized obligation is concluded , and it is suggested that risks in local government obligation are same with risks in local government finance , disclosing risks in local government obligation come from economy development .

  28. 接着,本文分析了地方政府债务风险的形成原因,主要有地方政府自身缺乏风险意识、各种体制和机制不健全、债务管理不规范和法律法规不健全四个方面。

    Then , this paper analyzes the reasons for the local governments debts risks , mainly including the lack of risk awareness of the governments , the defects of all kinds of systems and mechanism , non-standard debt management and not perfect laws and regulations .

  29. 其次,分析了地方政府债务风险的形成原因,主要有财政体制不健全、债务管理不规范方面的原因,也有经济和行政管理体制不完善、法律法规存在缺陷等方面的原因。

    Secondly , it analyzes the formation of local government debt risk reasons , mainly financial system is not perfect , debt management is not standardized reasons , there are also economic and administrative management system is imperfect , flawed laws and regulations , and other reasons .

  30. 本文对我国地方政府债务风险预警问题展开研究,目的是筛选出能够较为准确反映我国地方政府债务风险状况的指标,建立一个能够恰当评估、预警我国地方政府债务风险的系统模型。

    This paper has carried on research about the local government debt risk pre-warning problem to find out a more accurate index that can reflect the local government debt risk , and to establish a system model that can properly evaluate and warn our local government risk .