
xīn mào yì bǎo hù zhǔ yì
  • new trade protectionism
  1. 新贸易保护主义环境下丝绸对外贸易的发展

    The Development of Silk Foreign Trade under the New Trade Protectionism 's Environment

  2. 警惕新贸易保护主义的影响

    Keeping Vigilance over the Impact of New Trade Protectionism

  3. 新贸易保护主义抬头,西方国家纷纷实施TBT这一效果最显著的非关税壁垒措施限制其它国家尤其是发展中国家的产品出口,这严重阻碍了世界经贸的健康发展。

    With the rising of the new trade protectionism , TBT , one of non-tariff Barriers with the most remarkable results , is being carried out by western countries in profusion , which gradually hinders the healthy development of international trade .

  4. 新贸易保护主义的演变及对策分析

    The Development and the Counter Measure Analysis of the New Protectionism

  5. 美国201条款与新贸易保护主义政策分析

    An Analysis of America " Article 201 " And New Trade-protecting Policies

  6. 新贸易保护主义的特征演变及其理论依据

    The Evolution in Characteristic and Theoretical Basis of New Protectionism

  7. 透析假绿色之名的新贸易保护主义

    Fake " Green ": A New Kind of Trade Protectionism

  8. 新贸易保护主义影响及对策研究

    Research on the Influence and Countermeasure of Protectionism

  9. 论美国金融危机下的新贸易保护主义

    The New Trade Protectionism under the Financial Crisis

  10. 然而,表现为技术性贸易壁垒的新贸易保护主义的兴起影响了物流贸易的自由化进程。

    However the arising of new trade protectionism blocked the process of logistics trade liberalization .

  11. 在新贸易保护主义下,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为非关税壁垒的主要形式。

    Under the new protectionism , TBT has become the main form of non-tariff barriers .

  12. 其深刻原因主要在于环境的不断恶化和新贸易保护主义抬头。

    The deep reason is found lying on the worsening of environment and rising of the trade neo-protectionism .

  13. 随着全球金融危机的蔓延,在西方发达国家,新贸易保护主义势力有所抬头。

    With the global financial crisis , in the western countries , the new trade protectionism has been rising .

  14. 然后详细叙述了小布什政府新贸易保护主义政策的具体内容和特点。

    And then I described the Bush Administration new trade protectionism police and characteristics of the specific content in detail .

  15. 与传统贸易保护主义相比,新贸易保护主义更多地以非关税壁垒的形式限制他国产品的进口。

    Compared with the traditional trade protectionism , the new trade protectionism mainly adopts non-tariff barriers to restrict other countries ' export .

  16. 动物福利壁垒得源于动物权力理论、公共选择理论和新贸易保护主义,并具有合理性、歧视性、隐蔽性、可操作性、复杂性、争议性、刚性及广泛性等特点。

    Animal welfare barrier can be reasonable , discriminatory , concealment , operability , complexity , controversial , rigid , and extensive .

  17. 并且随着各国环保标准的日趋严格,绿色壁垒贸易越来越成为国际贸易中新贸易保护主义的一种形式。

    With developed countries standards increasingly getting strict , the Green Barrier is becoming a new trade protectionism in the world trade .

  18. 后金融危机下愈演愈烈的新贸易保护主义必须引起我们的高度重视,我们必须积极主动进行妥善有效的应对。

    New trade protectionism under the increasingly fierce post-financial crisis should arouse great attention , and effective countermeasures should be taken positively .

  19. 而且新贸易保护主义形式更具有广泛性和隐蔽性,保护手段也更加多样化。

    Furthermore , the forms of the new trade protectionism are of more universality and concealment , and its means are more diversified .

  20. 另外,环境壁垒一直被认为是新贸易保护主义所采取的一种贸易保护政策的新形式,其阻碍了贸易自由化的发展。

    Otherwise , environmental barrier has been considered as a new form of trade 's protections and blocks the development of trade liberalization .

  21. 这对抑制西方国家的新贸易保护主义措施十分不利,对发展中国家的经济发展也颇为不利。

    This situation is disadvantageous to restrain " the new trade protectionism " and is disadvantageous to economical development of developing nations also .

  22. 国际上的文化冲突、新贸易保护主义、高端营销资源缺乏;

    However , we are facing international challenges like conflicts among diversified cultures , new trade protectionism , lack of high end market .

  23. 新贸易保护主义思潮的影响力将取决于政府对法律的不确定性以及其附带影响的容忍程度。

    The strength of the new protectionist mood can be gauged by the government 's willingness to tolerate legal uncertainty and collateral damage .

  24. 新贸易保护主义的主要特点是使用非关税壁垒,利用区域经济一体化,滥用世贸相关规则等。

    The major characteristics are to use non-tariff barriers , utilize the integration of area economy , and abuse correlative rules of WTO , etc.

  25. 再往后就出现了幼稚产业保护理论、超贸易保护理论、新贸易保护主义、战略贸易保护主义等等。

    Then the infant industry argument for protection , the super-protectionism in trade and the new trade protectionism and so on appears in succession .

  26. 从实践和法律角度对绿色壁垒定位,认为绿色壁垒即是新贸易保护主义,也是当前国际社会的一种特定行为规则。

    Based on analysis of practice and law , the green barrier is defined as a new trade protectionism and a special formula in the world .

  27. 新贸易保护主义抬头,新型的贸易壁垒层出不穷,在这个新的时代背景下,贸易壁垒调查法律制度在世界范围内可以发挥新的作用。

    New trade protectionism and trade barriers appear . Under this new background , the legal system of trade barrier investigation can play a new role .

  28. 然而,世界服务贸易的地区分布很不平衡,新贸易保护主义的兴起更是影响了服务贸易的自由化进程。

    However the geographical distribution of the world trade in service is very unbalanced , while the arising of new trade protectionism blocked the process of service trade liberalization .

  29. 这些困难包括:纺织品的科技含量低,纺织品结构不合理,纺织机械落后,新贸易保护主义等。

    These problems are low scientific and technical content of the textile products , unreasonable structure of textile products , backward textile machines , new trade protectionism , macroeconomic pressure etc.

  30. 从15世纪重商主义阶段的贸易保护主义到20世纪70年代以来的新贸易保护主义,贸易保护政策已经有600多年的历史。

    From the trade protectionism of mercantilism phase in fifteenth Century to the New trade protectionism which has been developed in 1970s , trade protectionism had been existing for 600 years .