
  • 网络new economic growth theory;New economical growth theory;new growth theory
  1. 新经济增长理论评析与启示

    On the Evaluation and Inspiration of the New Economic Growth Theory

  2. 新经济增长理论认为,财政支出能够有效的促进经济的增长。

    Studies on the New Economic Growth Theory and Taiwan 's Economic Growth ;

  3. 新经济增长理论认为,受自身创新能力的限制,FDI的技术扩散效应是发展中国家技术进步的重要来源。

    As neo-growth theory puts it , given the limits of their own capability of innovation , one of the significant sources of technological advance for developing economies is the spillover effect of FDI .

  4. 本文运用Romer的新经济增长理论基本模型对新经济的主要特征(人均收入在低通胀、高就业水平条件下的长期持续增长)作出机理解释。

    This paper gives an explanation for the mechanism of new economy based on new economic theory advanced by P.Romer .

  5. 第二章是相关理论及定律,主要包括新经济增长理论、技术长波理论、ICT投资理论和以摩尔定律为代表的信息规则;

    The second chapter is about some related theories and laws including the theory of the new economy growth , the theory of technology wave , the theory of ICT investment as well as the information rules .

  6. 古典经济增长理论和新经济增长理论中都忽略空间因素,本文试图将区域经济增长和FDI的空间特征联系起来,指出FDI在空间上的集聚促进地区经济增长。

    The classical and neo-classical theories of economic growth have neglected the factor of space , this thesis tries to integrate the growth of regional economy with the spatial characteristics of FDI and conclude that the spatial agglomeration of FDI has promoted the economic growth .

  7. 新经济增长理论与现代军事劳动

    New economic growth theory and modern military labour

  8. 新经济增长理论及其对中国经济发展的重要启示

    The New Economic Growth Theory and It 's Inspiration for Economic Development of China

  9. 关于新经济增长理论的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on the New Economic Growth Theory

  10. 新经济增长理论认为决定经济长期增长的源泉是知识和技术。

    New economical theory says that technology and knowledge is the power of developing economy .

  11. 新经济增长理论对陕西新农村基础设施建设的启示

    Inspiration of New Economic Growth Theory to Infrastructure Construction of New Rural Areas in Shanxi Province

  12. 新经济增长理论述评

    On the Theory of Neo-Economic Growth

  13. 在新经济增长理论的框架下考察可能影响城乡收入差距的因素。

    On the framework of New Economic Growth theory , this study investigates the factors of Urban-Rural Inequality .

  14. 新经济增长理论、新制度经济学与经济增长的收敛性&中国经济增长的经验分析

    New Growth Theory , New Institutional Economics and Economy Convergence : An Empirical Analysis of the Economic Growth of China

  15. 新经济增长理论已经引起国内外越来越多的理论研究者的关注。

    The theory of new economic growth has held the attention of more and more theory researchers at home and abroad .

  16. 根据新经济增长理论,人力资本是经济发展的决定性因素,区域内人力资本存量及增长速度直接决定该区域的经济发展水平与速度。

    The stock and growth of regional human capital directly determine the level and speed of economic development in the region .

  17. 已有的研究更多的是以新经济增长理论为支撑,基于财政支出结构与经济增长间实证关系得出的结论。

    Most of the researcher focused on the empirical relationships between fiscal expenditures and economic growth with the New Growth Theory .

  18. 美国著名经济学家卢卡斯在其新经济增长理论中将人力资本视为经济增长的真正源泉。

    The famous American economist Lucas regarded human capital as the true source of economic growth in its new economic growth theory .

  19. 20世纪末,美国经济学家罗默和卢卡斯提出了新经济增长理论,该理论将技术进步和知识积累重点地投射到人力资源上。

    At the end of 20th Century , American economists Romer and Lucas put forward " new theory of economic growth " .

  20. 新经济增长理论认为技术进步和创新是一个国家经济发展的推动力。

    The new economic growth theory thinks technical progress and innovation is the driving force behind the development of a national economy .

  21. 随着现代技术的发展和新经济增长理论的兴起,知识被认为是经济繁荣的关键因素。

    With modern technology and the rise of new economic growth theory , knowledge now is considered to be the key to economic prosperity .

  22. 其中,三个理论分别是农村人力资源开发理论、新经济增长理论以及农业技术扩散理论。

    There are three basic theories , which are new economic growth theory , rural human resource development theory and agricultural technology diffusion theory .

  23. 在新经济增长理论中,我们论证了按技术分配的存在是罗默模型的前提与基础。

    In New economic growth model , we demonstrate that the existence of distribution according to technology is the premise and base of Romer Model .

  24. 文章首先从理论上分析了财政支出规模与经济增长以及新经济增长理论中包含的财政政策;

    Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the scale of fiscal expenditure and economic growth theoretically , and the fiscal policy of the new economic growth theory ;

  25. 分析了新经济增长理论中有关人力资本的理论,以此对我国经济和人力资本的发展提出了一些借鉴;收益递增模型。

    The theory of Human Capitals in the theory of New Economy Growth is analyzed and suggestions to develop economy and human capital are put forward .

  26. 区域创新体系中地理媒介知识溢出,已经成为新经济增长理论和新经济地理等学科研究的主要课题。

    The geographical mediated knowledge spillover in regional innovation systems has been a major issue for new economic growth theory and new economic geography to study .

  27. 新经济增长理论提出了许多经济增长模型,然而这些模型都忽视了制度演进与技术进步。

    The new economic growth theory has put forward many economic growth models , but these models all neglected the evolution of economic institutions and the technological progress .

  28. 本文首先从古典经济学到现代经济增长理论,再到新经济增长理论梳理了经济增长理论;从古典经济学时期到新古典经济学时期,再到现代人力资本理论梳理了人力资本思想。

    From classical economics to the new classical economics during the period , and then to modern human capital theory , this paper cards the idea of human capital .

  29. 新经济增长理论为人力资本理论注入了新的内容,为各国如何利用人力资本发展经济提供了理论指导。

    The theory of New Economy Growth adds new contents in the theory of Human Capitals and offers ways for many countries to utilize human capitals to develop economy .

  30. 20世纪80年代中后期,以罗默、卢卡斯等为代表的经济学家开创了新经济增长理论研究的新领域:人力资本作为独立的生产要素被纳入经济增长模型之中。

    In the middle and late of 1980s , economists represented by Rome and Lucas created new study area of new economic growth theory : putting the human capital into economic growth model .