
  • 网络Singapore Management University;SMU;Singapore Management University SMU
  1. 在新加坡管理大学,学校接受访问学者,以避免出现教授短缺的情况。

    At SMU the school accepts visiting fellows to circumvent the shortage of professors .

  2. 此外,新加坡管理大学还和中国各个城市的主要企业建立了联系,这样,当我们的学生作为交换生来到中国的时候,就可以为他们提供结构化的实习机会。

    In addition , SMU is working with a number of major corporations in different Chinese cities to provide our students with structured internships whilst the students are on exchange in China .

  3. 其中,排名最高的是新加坡管理大学(SingaporeManagementUniversity)李光前商学院(LeeKongChianSchoolofBusiness)。

    The highest new entrant is Lee Kong Chian School of Business at Singapore Management University .

  4. 总排名76位的新加坡管理大学(SingaporeManagementUniversity)李光前商学院(LeeKongChianSchoolofBusiness)是首家进入这一排行榜的新加坡商学院。今年共7家亚洲商学院上榜。

    Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the University of Singapore , in 76th place overall , is the first Singaporean business school to enter this ranking , which includes seven Asian institutions .

  5. 由来自新加坡管理大学的心理学专家NormanLi领导的研究者团队用进化心理学解释了为什么有些人比其他人快乐。

    Researchers , led by psychology professor Norman Li from Singapore Management University , used evolutionary psychology to explain why some people are happier than others .

  6. 目前担任新加坡管理大学(SingaporeManagementUniversity)校长的德梅耶尔表示:我想我们全都感觉到了,亚洲各国政府都非常重视投资教育和机构,它们对研究和教育的投资意愿非常强烈。

    I think we all have the feeling that the governments are very committed to investing in education and in institutions , says Prof de Meyer , now president at Singapore Management University . The willingness to invest in research and education is very high .

  7. 荆机肮,新加坡管理大学,新加坡。

    Jing Jiang , Singapore Management University , Singapore .

  8. 这次新加坡管理大学首次和中国大学合建研究中心。

    This is SMUs first joint research centre with a university in China .

  9. 上午好!热烈欢迎各位参加新加坡管理大学(以下简称新大)首届中国论坛。

    Good morning and a very warm welcome to the inaugural SMU China Forum .

  10. 这是新加坡管理大学第一次和中国的关键公司建立合作伙伴关系。

    This is the first research partnership between SMU and a major Chinese corporation .

  11. 我很自豪地告诉大家,新加坡管理大学已经被中国国家留学基金管理委员会列入了其合作伙伴名单。

    SMU is proud to announce that we have been included into the China Scholarship Council 's list of partners .

  12. 在本科教学中,我们希望为新加坡管理大学的学生们提供与中国最好的精英建立联系的机会,并且让他们成为为中国而准备好的人。

    In undergraduate programmes , we want to provide SMU students with opportunities to network with some of the best brains in China and to be China-ready .

  13. 我们大学可以为来自中国的高素质博士生候选人提供联合协同管理的博士项目,并在新加坡管理大学获得相关学位。

    Our university will be providing scholarships to high quality PhD candidates from China to undergo PhD co-supervision programmes at SMU and to pursue SMU PhD programmes .

  14. 新加坡管理大学的信息系统学院已经和中国平安银行和保险集团共同建立了一个研发实验室,用于推行对大数据的研究、应用和技术迁移。

    SMU 's School of Information Systems has set up a research lab with Ping An Banking and Insurance Group to promote research , application and technology transfer of Big Data .

  15. 新加坡管理大学的硕士班学员每年都要前往瑞士,参加瑞士金融学院主办、为期两周的培训项目,浸润在瑞士风格的私人银行业务之中。

    For two weeks every year , SMU 's master class students go to Switzerland to immerse themselves in Swiss-style private banking in a programme hosted by the Swiss Finance Institute .

  16. 新加坡管理大学的社会科学院正在和复旦大学的国家创新研究所一起开展对公共管理和公共政策的研究,我们合建了一个发展研究中心。

    SMU 's School of Social Sciences is working with Fudan University 's State Innovative Institute for Public Management and Public Policy Studies to set up a Joint Research Centre on Development Studies .

  17. 伦敦经济学院的禅洲金泽和新加坡管理大学的诺曼·李认为,发源于古代社会的核心社交能力依然主导着我们今天的幸福。

    Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University propose that the core social skills developed in our ancient past still hold sway over our happiness today .

  18. 新加坡管理大学也同厦门大学、华中科技大学、西南财经大学合作设立了金融经济学的硕士学位。

    SMU 's School of Economics has also tied-up with Xiamen University , Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Southwest University of Finance and Economics for its Master of Science in Financial Economics programme .

  19. 根据最近南加州大学,圣路易斯华盛顿大学,新加坡管理学院和迈阿密大学的研究,道歉究竟有没有用要依据道歉到底够不够好。

    According to a recent paper by researchers at USC , Washington University in St. Louis , Singapore Management University and the University of Miami , it depends on if the apology is good enough .

  20. 东盟国家财经人才培养比较著名的高等院校有新加坡国立大学商学院和新加坡管理大学。

    The famous higher schools of finance and economics in ASEAN include Business School of National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University .