- 网络Emes;market economies;emerging market economy

Shifts of this magnitude can generate negative shocks globally , especially in emerging market economies , it said .
Like emerging market economies everywhere , India is suffering from the prospect of a gradual withdrawal of stimulus by the US Federal Reserve and a rise in American interest rates .
Strong growth in emerging market economies over the next few years will not be enough to rescue the rest of the world , says Mark Williams , senior economist at capital economics .
The figures emphasise the extent to which the banking crisis and risk-aversion among rich-country investors are constraining emerging market economies , one of the important concerns to be debated at the world economic forum in Davos which starts today .
The IMF was optimistic advanced economies would continue to recover from the global financial crisis , and that many emerging market economies were now above their pre-crisis trends .
Beijing 's interest lies in broadening the appeal of the SDR by enlarging it to include emerging market economies in line with their much-increased exports .
The capital markets will evolve in the context in which emerging market economies will be growing twice as fast as the rich nations and will , by mid-century , probably account for almost two-thirds of global GDP .
Emerging market countries could face the dilemma of either letting their exchange rates rise or running the risk of significantly higher inflation , the bank for International Settlements warns today .
He said that , while overhauling the shareholding structure of the IMF to give more weight to rising emerging market economies might be good policy , it was less of a priority than dealing with imbalances .
The IEO said the effectiveness gap had been revealed because the fund 's advice had failed to make an impact on significant exchange rate decisions taken by member countries , especially in the large emerging market economies .
Latin America appears to have contracted between the end of March and the beginning of July , and JPMorgan estimates that Asian emerging market economies - excluding China - grew by just 1.4 per cent .
What happens to developed countries when emerging market economies begin to produce more and more advanced products was debated in academic circles nearly a decade ago by economists such as Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson .
There is plenty more room to grow : advanced economies spend about 8 per cent of gross domestic product on insurance , or about $ 6,000 a head . Emerging markets , including China , allot about 3 per cent , or $ 200 .
A striking new finding emerges : the seven largest emerging markets are now bigger , in gross domestic product terms , than the long established G7 group of industrialised nations , when measured at purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .
Even emerging market economies will experience below-trend growth rates .
Emerging markets felt the effects across their financial markets .
In emerging market economies , soft budget constraints are particularly prevalent .
Many emerging market economies demonstrate stronger fundamentals than 10 years ago .
Another source of stress is emerging market economies .
What a terrible year 2013 was for investors in gold and emerging markets .
Moreover , trends in the two biggest emerging market economies are not encouraging .
On the Financial Crises of Emerging Economy
The chapter 2 firstly identifies the EMEs , as well as their basic economic element .
First , the structural strength in the global economy resides in the emerging market economies .
A drastic easing is now required to prevent the EM economies diving straight off the rails .
And in major emerging market economies , growth that had been strong earlier has also decreased .
With the rise of developing countries , international capital began to inflow into emerging market economies .
This is a familiar pattern among commodity-producing emerging markets trying to develop their own manufacturing industry .
Chapter four analyses China 's FDI policies on the basis of comparing different countries ' FDI policies .
Recent years have seen a dramatic shift in the composition of capital flows to the emerging-market economies .