
  • 网络Fonterra;Fonterra Co-operative Group;cooperative group
  1. 尽管中国有关部门没有发布官方正式禁止文件,但消费者保护组织称,有四家公司曾从新西兰恒天然集团进口过可能含有肉毒杆菌污染的产品。

    While there was no official word of a ban from Chinese authorities , Chinas consumer watchdog named four companies that had imported potentially contaminated products from Fonterra .

  2. 中国奶制品公司三鹿集团的大股东新西兰恒天然集团表示因质量问题三鹿集团已宣布召回一批婴幼儿配方奶粉。

    The New Zealand-based Fonterra , a major investor in the Chinese dairy firm Sanlu says the company has recalled a line of baby formula after a " quality " issue .

  3. 此前,对受污染奶粉的报道集中在三鹿(sanlu)身上,新西兰恒天然乳品集团(fonterra)持有这家中国乳品企业43%的股权。

    Previously , reports of tainted milk had focused on Sanlu , the Chinese dairy company that is 43 per cent owned by Fonterra dairy co-operative of New Zealand .

  4. 新西兰乳业巨头恒天然集团7月底宣布,向中国出口的乳制品含有肉毒杆菌。

    The producer , Westland Milk Products , New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra announced at the end of July that milk slated for export to China contained bacteria that causes botulism .