
  • 网络Temporary anti-dumping measures;provisional measure
  1. 再次谈到了倾销和损害的因果关系,最后还介绍了WTO许可的三种反倾销措施:临时反倾销措施、最终征收反倾销税和出口价格承诺。

    Next it introduces the causation of dumping and injury . Finally , it points out the three anti-dumping measures admitted by WTO : temporary anti-dumping measure , final levy of anti-dumping tax and export price undertaking .

  2. 欧洲委员会目前正对此进行审理,最迟将于4月中旬做出临时反倾销措施的裁决。

    The European Commission is reviewing the suit , and will release its arbitrament with regard to application for temporary anti-dumping measures no later than mid April .