
lín jiè zhí
  • critical value
  1. 爱丁堡产后抑郁量表在孕晚期妇女产前抑郁筛查中的临界值研究

    Study on the optimal critical value of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in the screening of antenatal depression

  2. 详细分析了病毒传播机理,着重介绍了在均匀网络和非均匀网络中传播临界值理论以及复杂网络中的传播动力学机理。

    Detailed analysis of the virus transmission mechanism is introduced especially the dynamics mechanism in the complex network and the spread critical value in both in uniform and no uniform network .

  3. 实验室确定钻屑解吸指标Δh2临界值方法的研究

    Determination of Critical Value of Gas Desorption Index of Drillings ,Δ h 2 , in Laboratory

  4. 突出预测指标K1和f值确定临界值试验研究

    Trial Study of Determining Critical Values of Outburst Prediction Indicators Value K1 and f

  5. 而其他方式用氟后菌斑pH仍可下降至临界值5.5以下;

    Whereas in other groups , plaque pH can decrease to or below 5.5 after sucrose rinsing .

  6. 用幼苗表示土壤Cd污染临界值的可行性研究

    Study on the Feasibility for the Pollution Critical Concentration of Cd in Soil by Plant Seedling

  7. 当热疲劳循环周次超过临界值NC后,裂纹由萌生阶段发展到连续扩展阶段。

    When the number of times of thermal fatigue cycle surpasses the critical valve Nc , cracks grow from initiating to continuous propagation .

  8. 黄瓜叶片中SOD活性的Hg主动耐受临界值为20mg/kg;

    Mercury polluted tolerant critical value on SOD and POD is 30mg / kg .

  9. 第一类得到的q0值总是小于1/2(1/2是宇宙封闭和开放的临界值);

    Group 1 always yields values of qo less than 0.5 , the critical value dividing the open and the closed universes .

  10. 抗-HIV临界值质控血清的制备和即刻法室内质控采用即刻法进行ELISA检测室内质量控制的探讨

    Preparation of anti-HIV serum with quality cut off control and instant lab quality control The exploration of IQC in ELISA test of immediately

  11. 并在SIS模型下,研究了均匀网络和无标度网络的病毒传播临界值。

    Under SIS model , we researched the spread threshold of uniform networks and scale-free networks .

  12. 当坩埚中液柱高度H减小到某一临界值H时,Ekman流区随H的减小而减小。

    When the liquid height H < H ( a critical value ), the Ekman flow height h decreases with decrease in the liquid height H.

  13. 结果表明,在改变壳聚糖的分子量、浓度和供给液pH的情况下,均存在一个临界值使得黄芩苷体外渗透性能最佳。

    The results showed that there should be a critical value of molecular weight and concentration of chitosans and pH of solutions which could best enhanced Baicalin percutaneous delivery rate .

  14. 本文应用SPSS,详述了回归诊断的理论和方法,提出了每一个诊断统计量的临界值。

    This Paper using the SPSS , discusses theory and method of regression diagnosis , puts forward critical value of each diagnosis statistic .

  15. ROC曲线图评价经皮测胆红素的临界值对筛查新生儿高胆红素血症的临床意义

    Application of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve to Evaluate the Cut Off Point of Transcutaneous Bilirubin in Screening Hyperbilirubinemia

  16. 在良好的土壤水分条件下,4种果树的RT随着土壤相对持水量的下降而迅速延长,并在土壤水分含量降低到一临界值以下时维持在24h。

    RT increased sharply as soil drying , then remained 24 hr if the soil water content was under a critical level .

  17. 检测50例胃癌和10例胃良性病变腹腔灌洗液CEA及脱落细胞,CEA临界值定为115ng/g蛋白。

    CEA levels and exfoliative cells in peritoneal irrigation fluid were determined in 50 gastric cancer patients and 10 with benign lesions .

  18. 当管内流速超过kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性临界值时,不存在横向波模式。

    The mode of transverse waves vanishes when the velocity exceeds the critical value of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability .

  19. 基于岩石断裂韧度最近的实验结果,当裂隙长度小于某一临界值时,新参数U近似为岩石材料常量。

    Based on recent experimental tests of fracture toughness of rock the new parameter U appears to be a constant when crack lengths are smaller than a certain critical value .

  20. 接受者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析确定白蛋白水平和左心房大小的临界值。

    Receiver operating characteristics curve was employed to define the cutoff points of left atrium size and albumin levels , respectively .

  21. 目的应用受试者操作特征曲线(ROC曲线)来确定超声测量颈总动脉内中膜厚度的临界值。

    Objective To determinate cutoff value of carotid arterial IMT in sonography by using receiver operating characteristic curve ( ROC curve ) .

  22. 本文应用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)方法,通过大量的数值计算,获得一个容量大、稳定性好的相关系数临界值表。

    In this paper , the Monte Carlo method and large quantity of numerical computations were employed to acquire a threshold value table of correlation coefficients with high capacity and good stability .

  23. 结果表明,当V增大到某一临界值时,铁磁基态变得不稳定,同时系统从自旋密度波态过渡到电荷密度波态。

    The result shows that if the intersite Coulomb interaction V is larger than a critical value , the ground state is unstable and the transition from the spin-density-wave state to the charge-density-wave state occurs .

  24. 而灵芝菌丝停止生长的CO2浓度上限临界值为18.81%,菌丝死亡的CO2浓度上限临界值大于20%。

    But the mycelia of G. lucidum stopped growth at the CO 2 concentration of 18.8 % , and the CO 2 concentration with lethal effect on its mycelia was over 20 % .

  25. 采用位置空间重整化群方法,对简立方格子(SC)键渗流模型进行了研究,得到了临界值pc、模型在相变点的分形维数D和临界指数γ。

    The renormalization group approach is used to treat the problem of bond percolation on simple cubic lattice . The threshold p_c , the fractal dimension D and the critical exponent γ are obtained .

  26. 以减产10%为依据,确定了在该土壤中镍的毒性临界值为143·1mg/kg(全量)和9.0mg/kg(0.005mo1/LDTPA提取量)

    When the yield decreased by 10 % , the critical concentrations of Ni in soil were 143 . lmg / kg ( total ) and 9.0mg/kg ( DTPA extracted ) .

  27. Sr含量急剧下降是重熔过程中变质衰退的主要原因,但是在三次重熔后Sr含量低于临界值时才失去变质效果,共晶Si转变为粗大针片状;

    Fading of modification during remelts is mainly due to the lost of modification element Sr , but modification effect is lost only when the content of Sr is less than a critical value ;

  28. 第2周时9例IgG抗体阳性,平均滴度为1∶40(临界值为1∶10);

    Of these 10 patients , 9 were sero positive in week 2 and at a low titer with an average of 1 ∶ 40 ( positive cut off at 1 ∶ 10 ) .

  29. 当温度高于临界值时,由于亚表层Cu基体塑性变形量增加,导致釉质层脱落,而发生严重的粘着磨损,使得复合材料的磨损率显著增加。

    When it was higher than the critical temperature , the plastic deformation of the subsurface Cu matrix would increase , thus resulting in the delamination of the glaze layer . Therefore , severe adhesive wear occurred and the wear rate increased dramatically .

  30. 我们在MMIM波导中发现了三个厚度临界值。

    Three critical thicknesses are found in MMIM waveguides .