
  • 网络clinical decision support system;cdss
  1. 临床决策支持系统可以根据临床指南等医学知识库,帮助医务人员收集和分析患者数据,提供各种决策建议供医生进行参考,辅助其诊疗行为,因而越来越受到重视。

    Clinical decision support systems employ medical knowledge bases , help the doctors to collect and analyze patient data for physicians and provide clinical decision-making information for the doctors ' reference .

  2. 没有一个功能性的CMV,临床决策支持系统(CDSS)和EMR的工作流组件将不能履行在环境中临床医生期望的功能。

    Without a functional CMV , the clinical decision support system ( CDSS ) and workflow components of the EMR will not perform as expected by the clinicians in the environment .

  3. 因此采用数据挖掘技术分析病人的生命特征参数并预测其生理状态变化趋势,可以实现ICU病人的智能监护,并对临床决策支持系统的发展与完善具有重要意义。

    So we can analysis patients ' vital sign parameters and predict the trends of physiological state through data mining technology , then intelligent monitoring in ICU patients is realizable , and it will has important meaning for the development and perfection of clinical decision support system .

  4. 临床决策支持系统(Clinicdecisionsupportsystem,CDSS)是近年医院信息化建设的又一个热点问题,其所涉及的逻辑推理方法、知识库建立、数据挖掘、以及与现有HIS的整合等问题都处于探索阶段。

    CDSS is another hotspot problem in the hospital 's information construction in the recent years . The problems which refer to the logical reasoning means , knowledge building , data mining as well as conformity with the HIS in existence are in the phase of exploring .

  5. 老年痴呆症诊断临床决策支持系统设计与评估

    A Design and Evaluation of Clinical Decision Support System on Alzheimer 's Disease Diagnosis

  6. 临床决策支持系统作为提高医疗诊断和效率的一种手段,在近几年得到了较大的发展。

    As a methodology for promoting the quality and efficiency of healthcare , clinical decision support system ( CDSS ) has gained much improvement in recent years .

  7. 电子病历是应用计算机技术实现的信息化病历,电子病历是基于一个特定系统的电子化病人记录,该系统提供用户访问完整准确的数据、警示、提示和临床决策支持系统的能力。

    Electronic medical record is the application of computer-based medical information technology , electronic medical record is based on a specific system of electronic patient records , the system provides user access to complete and accurate data , alerts , tips , and clinical decision support system .

  8. 本文针对目前临床诊疗决策支持系统的局限和不足,提出了将案例推理应用于临床诊断和治疗全过程的思路。

    For the limitation and shortage of current clinical diagnosis & treatment supporting system , this paper give us a case study and reasoning solution applying in all the clinical process .

  9. 基于临床指南的临床决策支持系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Clinical Decision Support System Based on Clinical Guideline

  10. 研制针灸临床循证诊疗决策支持系统的思考

    Considerations about Developing A Clinical Decision Support System for Evidence-based Diagnosis and Treatment of Acupuncture-moxibustion