
  • 网络clinician;physician;clinical doctor
  1. 目的:提高临床医师对弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)这一临床重症的认识,结合临床分析阐明推广先进DIC诊疗措施的必要性,以求改善预后,提高生存率。

    Objective : To improve the knowledge of clinician to Disseminate intravascular coagulation .

  2. 激素依赖型哮喘(steroid-dependentasthma,SDA)属于难治性哮喘范畴,是临床医师面临的难题之一。随着对哮喘气道炎症本质的认识,吸入型糖皮质激素(GC)已成为哮喘治疗的首选药物。

    The steroid-dependent asthma ( steroid-dependent asthma , SDA ) belongs to the difficult curing asthma category , is one of the difficult problems which the clinician faces .

  3. 许多最好的主意都来自临床医师。

    Many of the best ideas come from doctors at the coalface .

  4. 未行CT检查前,临床医师仅诊断肠梗阻而不能明确病因。

    Surgeons were not able to identify the cause of obstruction before CT examination .

  5. 目的:探讨有机溶剂致中毒性脑病的临床特点及MRI表现,进一步提高临床医师对此类中毒性脑病的认识,减少诊治失误。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical features , MRI features and treatment of toxic encephalopathy induced by organic solvent .

  6. 结论:图片短时记忆和心智B可以作为临床医师筛选轻微认知功能损害(MCI)的有效工具。

    Conclusion : Picture short memory and mental control ( B ) contribute to identify MCI speedily and effectively .

  7. MPR、3D及轴位图像的联合应用,可为临床医师提供立体、直观、多方位的影像信息,有利于临床治疗方案的选择。

    Combination of axial images , MPR and 3D , more information can be provided to surgeons for management .

  8. 目的分析先天性淋巴管发育畸形(LM)的临床特点,提高临床医师对本病的认识。

    Objective To study the clinical characteristics of lymphatic malformation ( LM ) .

  9. 结论MTT法测定化疗药物敏感性可帮助临床医师制定合理的化疗方案,按药敏试验结果指导化疗可能会有助于提高大肠癌患者的远期存活率。

    Conclusion Chemotherapy under the guidance of chemosensitivity in vitro may improve the long term survival rate of colorectal cancer .

  10. 了解轻度MR儿童的智商(IQ)和适应能力商数(ADQ)之间的关系,以供临床医师诊断MR儿童时的参考;

    To explore the relationship between intelligent quotient ( IQ ) and adaptive ability quotient ( ADQ ) in mild MR children .

  11. 部分临床医师对IBS知识欠缺,诊断标准在临床应用受限。

    Some physicians have limited knowledge of IBS , which restricts the practice of the criteria . 2 .

  12. 我们推测,在后来的队列研究中,临床医师更加重视DES的风险,并延长了抗血小板治疗时间。

    We speculate that in the later cohort clinicians were more aware of the risk of DES and prolonged antiplatelet therapy .

  13. 有2例发现阳性时患者在手术台上。结论临床医师对HIV感染认识不够,需要加强宣传。

    Two cases were on the operating table for operation when they were detected positive anti-HIV . Conclusion Clinical physicians know inadequately HIV infection . It needs to strengthen propaganda .

  14. 因此有关NSAIDs类药物对凝血功能方面的影响一直是临床医师们关注的焦点。

    So the impact of NSAIDs on coagulation has been the focus of attention of clinicians .

  15. 方法:由临床医师、药师、护理人员发现并填写报告,经医院ADR监察小组专家分析评价。

    Methods : The cases of ADR were reported by physicians , pharmacists , and nurses , and then evaluated by the hospital ADR group .

  16. 目的提高临床医师对糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)合并高脂血症(HL)和急性胰腺炎(AP)的认识。

    Objective To enhance the understanding of diabetic ketoacidosis ( DKA ) complicated with hyperlipidemia and acute pancreatitis ( AP ) .

  17. 结论:了解小儿与成人GBS的特点,有助于临床医师的正确诊断和治疗。

    Conclusions : It helps to diagnosis and treatment of GBS correctly , knowing the clinical features of children and adults .

  18. 一个由11位多学科的高级研究者和临床医师组成的专家组开会重点讨论了和ED治疗结果评估有关的问题。

    A multidisciplinary , international panel , consisting of 11 senior researchers and clinicians , was con - vened to address pertinent issues concerning therapeutic outcome assessment for ED.

  19. 目的提高临床医师对异位ACTH肿瘤的认识及早期诊断和治疗的可能性。

    Objective To enhance the clinicians'recognition of ectopic ACTH secreting tumors and to suggest the possibility of diagnosis and treatment in their early stage .

  20. 结论:就无创性检查而言,在NSCLC患者术前的“N”分期中,PET检查是目前最好的辅助手段,对帮助临床医师术前评估NSCLC患者的临床分期、制定治疗策略有一定的价值。

    CONCLUSION : In the preoperative N staging of patients with NSCLC , the PET is the best nontraumatic examination at present , It is helpful in preoperative staging and making the treatment strategy .

  21. 结论:DCG是一种安全、无创、准确、可重复性强的检测方法,可提高心律失常和心肌缺血的检出率,能为临床医师提供重要信息。

    Conclusion : DCG is a secure , noninvasive , repeatable detective method , can provide the physician with precise clinical information .

  22. 目的分析胰高血糖素瘤综合征(GS)的临床特点、诊断和治疗,以提高临床医师对本病的认识和诊治水平。

    Objective To study the clinical features , diagnosis , and treatment of glucagonoma syndrome ( GS ) for providing clues for the recognition of this disorder in clinical practice .

  23. 目的调查临床医师对药品不良反应(ADR)纠纷的防范和应对情况,探索医疗机构防范和应对ADR纠纷较为有效的方法。

    Objective To investigate the prevention and response of clinicians to disputes of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ), and explore effective ways for medical institutions to deal with disputes of ADR .

  24. “男人们只有在走投无路的时候才会吐露心声,”加州圣拉斐尔市(SanRafael)的临床医师苏珊•皮斯•加多(SusanPeaseGadoua)表示。

    ' Men will talk when there 's nothing left to lose , 'says Susan Pease Gadoua , a therapist in San Rafael , Calif.

  25. ct扫描不仅能提示异物所在的解剖位置,而且能直接显示异物的形态、大小等,提供较x线平片更多的信息,对临床医师取出异物有重要的指导意义。

    While CT scan can not only shows the anatomical location of foreign body , but also the shape and size of the foreign body , it offers more information than X-ray films and has important refering value to clinicians to take out the foreign body .

  26. 【结论】临床医师对造成HIE的各种围产期高危因素应提高预见性,及早采取预防措施,对HIE患儿进行早期综合干预。

    [ Conclusions ] Clinical doctors should improve the predictability of high risk factors , and take preventive measure in early stage , administrate the intervention events for neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopath .

  27. 结论确定MTV正常值范围并据此评价临床医师病房工作量具有重要的现实意义。

    Conclusion Defining MTV standard value and its normal range and using it to evaluate the clinical doctor 's workloads in the wards have a special significant realism .

  28. 认识高度近视合并POAG时的临床特点,有利于提高临床医师对该病的警觉性及早期诊断水平。

    Recognizing the early clinical characteristics of HM with POAG may help us to improve the proficiency of early detection and diagnosis of HM with POAG .

  29. 结果SIADH的病因多种多样,临床表现及体征不具特异性,易被临床医师所忽视。

    Results The causes of SIADH were complex , the clinical signs were not special and it was usually neglected by physicians .

  30. 目的研究弥漫性泛细支气管炎(DPB)的临床特点,以提高临床医师的认识水平,避免误诊。

    Objective To investigate the clinical feature of diffuse panbronchiolitis ( DPB ), improve the accuracy of diagnosing this kind of disease and to avoid misdiagnosis .