
jiǎn yàn bào ɡào
  • inspection report;surveyor's report
  1. 该货源检验报告由质量保证经理(QA负责)核准。

    The Source Inspection Report shall be approved by QA Manager .

  2. 检验报告及相关文均件有很好的可追溯性,如SCAR号码,MRB报告号码等。

    Inspection report is able to trace to related documents such as SCAR # , MRB report # , etc.

  3. 这是化学成分检验报告。

    Here is the report of chemical composition inspection .

  4. 制作、编制产品相关技术文件,包括:设计图纸、BOM表、检验报告等;

    Compose correlation technique document , including : design of the drawing ; BOM ; quality report etc.

  5. 完整的不合格报告,以及证明文件、外部核准文件和再检验报告,将提交给质量保证部门(QA)保存。

    Completed NCR 's along with supporting documents , external approvals and re-examination reports will be forwarded to the QA department for retention .

  6. LN疾控中心人力资源配置案例研究提高基层疾控机构检验报告质量分析

    Staffing Organization Case Study of LN CDC ; Analysis of how to improve the quality of inspection reports of basic Center for Disease Prevention and Control

  7. msc客户服务部将装箱检验报告正本转交箱管部,经核查确认无误后,msc将安排货物的出运。

    MSc CSR Department deliver original survey report to MSC equipment department for the double checking , if no problem , shipment will be load on board .

  8. 完成的检验报告被送给德国的CERES。在那里数据可靠性和与标准的一致性将被重新审定评估。

    The complete inspection report is sent to CERES in Germany where it is reviewed for consistency of the data and compliance with the applied Standard .

  9. 结果患者可提前30min取到检验报告,满意度由应用系统前的90.0%上升到应用系统后的98.5%。

    Results Patients can get lab reports 30 mins in advance , the satisfactory degree before using the system is 90.0 % , which is raised to 98.5 % after using the system .

  10. 菲利普斯说,AEG的一份价值1700万美元的保单只有在毒物学检验报告证实杰克逊死于意外的情况下才能生效。

    A $ 17 million insurance policy taken out by AEG would pay off only if a pending toxicology report supports a claim that Mr. Jackson 's death was accidental , Mr. Phillips said .

  11. 不过,这几批货的检验报告结果不错。

    However , the reports on those that have are good .

  12. 中国药典及检验报告书中常见书写问题分析

    The issues of familiar expression in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and examine reports

  13. 委托方将依据合格质量标准出具书面的检验报告。

    Principal will submit written inspection report based on AQL standards .

  14. 验收检验报告由集团收集。

    That the acceptance inspection report is collected by the group .

  15. 住院患者检查检验报告单归档问题分析

    The filed analysis of in-patient 's inspection or laboratory reports

  16. 各种乳制品中耐热菌和抗菌素污染情况的检验报告

    Inspection Report on Contamination of Thermoduric Bacteria and Antibiotic in Dairy Products

  17. 所有原材料是否作过标识,并可追溯到其检验报告和证书?

    Are raw materials identified and traceable to test or certification reports ?

  18. 买主拒收货物,随后寄上密封样本与检验报告。

    Buyer refuse gawk delivery sealed sample survey report following .

  19. 目前的检验报告没有发现那他珠单抗疗法有副作用。

    There were no reports of side effects associated with natalizumab therapy .

  20. 《中风病诊断与疗效评定标准》的临床检验报告

    Clinical Test Report on Criterion of Diagnosis and Therapeutic Effect of Apoplexy

  21. 把商品检验报告给我看一下。

    B : Let me have a look over the test report .

  22. 质量检验报告输入终端的设计

    DATA & INFORMATION Input Terminal Design of Quality Detection Report

  23. 有没有化学检验报告做证实?

    Have chemistry to examine is the report done confirm ?

  24. 检验报告有结果么?

    Did you get the results from the crime lab ?

  25. 对135份中药材入库检验报告书的分析

    Analysis of 135 Ware-house-in Inspection Reports of Chinese Medicinal Crop

  26. 检验报告书质量分析和探讨

    Analysis and discussion on the quality of tests reports

  27. 关于成品食醋出现浑浊及漂浮物的检验报告

    Examination report about vinegar 's muddy and floating material

  28. 运用过程能力指数法改进急诊检验报告用时

    Use the process capability indices to improve the report time of emergency test

  29. 在检验报告上注明订单号和数量。

    Mark order # and quantity on inspection report .

  30. 对现行药品检验报告书结论进行改革的探讨

    Discussion on Reforming the Current Drug Certificate of Analysis Report and Its Conclusions