
  • 网络molecular virology
  1. HBeAg阴性HBV感染的一些临床与分子病毒学问题

    Studies on Some Main Points of Clinical Characteristics and Molecular Virology of Chronic HBV Infections with HBeAg-negative

  2. SEN病毒分子病毒学和流行病学研究

    Study on Molecular Virology and Epidemiology of Sen - Virus

  3. 本实验方法在小RNA病毒提纯方面有参考价值,为CoxsackieB组病毒的分子病毒学研究提供了一种新的手段。

    It is also a new method for molecular virological research on Coxsackie B virus .

  4. 加里温克是美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学、神经科学、分子病毒学、免疫学和医学遗传学教授,是《大脑与饮食(YourBrainonFood)》一书作者。

    Professor of psychology , neuroscience , and molecular virology , immunology , and medical genetics at The Ohio State University , Wenk is author of the book Your Brain on Food .

  5. 对RNA病毒进行遗传拯救或构建感染性克隆己成为分子病毒学实验室进行病毒结构与功能深入研究的必经之路。

    Genetic rescue or constructed infectious clone of RNA virus become the necessary way to study structure and function of virus in molecular virology laboratory .

  6. RNA探针敏感性高,特异性强,能够用来了解各种RNA合成状况,是分子病毒学研究的一个重要方法。

    RNA probe is a sensitive , specific method , which can be used in RNA synthesis and is a kind of method of molecular virological research work .

  7. 目的:了解天津市麻疹病毒(measlesvirus,MV)流行株的基因型并在本实验室建立分子病毒学的研究方法。

    Objective : To investigate the genotype of the measles virus epidemic strains in Tianjin according to the patients suffered measles in 2002 , and to establish the method of molecular virology in our laboratory .

  8. 反义治疗&分子病毒学新领域。

    And ( 3 ) Antisense therapy-a new field in gene therapy .

  9. 家庭内乙型肝炎病毒变异株感染的分子病毒学调查

    Hepatitis B virus mutations in family clustered Chinese patients

  10. 婴儿输血传播病毒感染途径的分子病毒学研究

    Molecular analysis on the infantile transfusion transmitted virus infection

  11. 《分子病毒学》简介

    A Brief Introduction of " Molecular Virology "

  12. 拉米夫定耐药患者的临床特点及耐药毒株的分子病毒学研究

    Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Lamivudine Resistance and Molecular Virological Study of Lamivudine Resistant Mutant

  13. 今天,分子病毒学重操了这段历史,仍然使我们受到不少启迪。

    Nowadays , molecular virology manages once more this history , still giving us numerous enlightenments .

  14. 随着重组DNA技术、植物转基因技术和分子植物病毒学的迅猛发展,使得应用植物作为疫苗抗原的表达载体成为可能。

    New developments in DNA recombinant techniques ? plant transgenic techniques and molecular plant virology led to generation of plant-based expressing system for vaccine production .

  15. 随着分子免疫学、分子病毒学和分子生物学等相关技术的发展,如何利用基因工程技术生产基因工程疫苗来预防和控制该病成为一项迫在眉睫的问题。

    With the development of immunology , virology and molecular biology , how to prevent and control the disease with genetic engineering vaccine become urgent question .

  16. 随着分子生物学和分子病毒学的发展,尤其是对病毒基因结构和功能的研究取得长足进步,基因水平特别是基因转录后水平阻断病毒复制成为当前研究热点。

    Alone with the developing of molecular biology and molecular virology , especially making great progress to the study of viral gene structure and function , viral replication inhibited on gene level especially on post-transcription has been becoming the hot spot at present .