
fēn quán zhì
  • decentralization;system of decentralization
  1. 本文描述了中央政府和地方政府政策博弈的凸现与加剧,认为这种政策博弈的制度性根源是市场取向的分权制以及以GDP为核心的政绩指标考核体系,制度性根源对政策博弈具有传导机制。

    This article describes the policy games between central government and local governments . We hold that the institutional reason of the policy games is market orientated decentralization and political rank-order system with GDP as key indicator . index ;

  2. 在高等教育分权制方面,美国与中国相似。

    The United States and China are similar in decentralization in higher education .

  3. 德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。

    The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government .

  4. 建议CUBA将组织结构发展成为联邦分权制组织结构模式。

    The paper suggested CUBA to change its structure to a " federal system of decentralized organizational structure " .

  5. 分权制和政治轮替的悖论&从地区议会选举看法国政制

    French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election

  6. 没有多少人建议上市公司尝试分权制。

    Not many people advise public company boards to attempt it .

  7. 日本的私立高等教育管理有着自己的特色:教育管理体制实行分权制,分级对口管理;

    Japan adopts the decentralized system in educational management .

  8. 除了分担职责以外,实行分权制还有其它有力的理由。

    There are good reasons for this beyond wanting to share out tasks .

  9. 和其他制度相比,地方分权制已被认可并被推荐:它可以很好解决政府中央部门繁重的决策任务;

    Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ;

  10. 在分权制组织内,责任会计系统是围绕着许多责任中心建立起来的。

    In a decentralized organization , the responsibility accounting system is structured around a number of centers .

  11. 分权制的挑战在于,它的优点很微妙,而且是长期性的,它的缺点却是即时而明显的。

    The power-sharing challenge is that its advantages are subtle and long-term while its pitfalls are immediate and obvious .

  12. 人们不得不深入研究小型合伙制企业和家族企业,以找到最高管理层实行分权制的例子。

    One has to delve into small partnerships and family firms to find executive power being shared at the top .

  13. 二是司法独立,在世贸组织内部实行分权制,建立一套相对独立的司法制度;

    Second , judicial independence which means carrying out decentralization in the interior of WTO and setting up a relatively independent judicial system ;

  14. 其次,从法人财产权的核心&财权出发对企业集团的财务监控模式进行探讨。企业集团财务监控有三种模式:集权制、分权制、集权与分权结合制;

    Secondly , from the core of the property rights of the corporation-financial control rights , the paper discusses the financial supervision and control model .

  15. 内部审计是基于受托经济责任的需要而产生和发展起来的,是经营管理分权制的产物。

    Internal audit develops due to the need of economic responsibility of the entrusted party in enterprise . It is the result of decentralization of management .

  16. 但有一点似乎毋庸置疑:只会有一个人出任,高盛已经放弃了其早年实行的最高层分权制。

    There seems no doubt , however , that it will be a single person and that Goldman has abandoned its previous practice of power-sharing at the top .

  17. 分权制已被建议投入使用,一来解决中央机构决策的繁冗,二来激发更强的参与性和地方组织的主动性;

    Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ; as a means of achieving greater popular participation and of empowering local communities ;

  18. 由于没有相应的制度约束,财政分权制使中国在获益的同时,也导致了地方保护和市场分割。

    LOCAL ECONOMY Local Activities Because of the absence of correspondent institutional stipulation , the decentralized economic reform makes China benefited , and results in local protection and market segmentation as well .

  19. 所谓分权制组织,即其内部的决策并不局限于少数高层管理者,而是扩展到企业内的各个层次,各级管理人员都在其责任范围内作出重要的经营决策。

    A decentralized organization is one in which decision making is not confined to a few top executives but rather is spread : throughout the organization , with managers at various levels making key operating decisions relating to their sphere of re-sponsibility .

  20. 讨论在建立健全企业集团财务管理体制的时候要考虑的诸多因素例如企业文化、规模、生命周期、组织结构、投资者等等,得出一般的企业集团财务管理体制主要包括集权制以及分权制。

    Discuss establish a sound financial management system of enterprise groups to consider many factors , such as corporate culture , size , life cycle , organizational structure , investors , etc. , to draw general financial management system of enterprise groups , including centralized and decentralized system .

  21. 用分权与制权对强制侦查实施控制,控制原则需遵守法定、比例、审查的三大原则。

    Controlling compulsory criminal investigation should be in accordance with three principles : by law , proper ratio , and strict inspection .

  22. 自由、理性、分权制衡孟德斯鸠政治正义观探究分权制和政治轮替的悖论从地区议会选举看法国政制

    Freedom , reason and the power seperation & The study of montesquieu 's political justice 's view French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election

  23. 这时,企业急需建立一种既能分权又能集中控制的组织结构即联邦分权制,使规模化企业结构庞大而不松散,灵活而不混乱。

    Thus , it is available for the enterprises in scale to develop more enormously and less loosely , more flexibly and less chaotically .

  24. 更深层次看,是一个分权的、控制权较为明晰的组织模式被逐渐使用,最终导致一个均衡权力结构模型&联邦分权式事业部制的产生。

    It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .